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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    The testing form of RAI, the one used in a scan/uptake, is a non-damaging isotope of RAI. It causes no damage and also is given in such tiny amounts that it requires no precautions like an RAI ablation.

    There have been studies done on RAI patients for the last 60 years, and no increased risk of cancer (except a TINY TINY rise in bladder cancer occurrences) has been found. Drinking lots of water and urinating often during the first 48 hours after treatment minimizes even that tiny risk.

    Post count: 75

    Someone mentioned testing to see your thyroid levels initially with Iodine. Is this similar to RAI? How does it differ?

    My mother passed away from breast cancer- does anyone know if RAI is linked to cancers in the future ? Are there any statistics available on this?

    Post count: 292

    I’ve read different studies than Ski, apparently. The largest study done over a long period of time showed that RAI patients had an overall DEcreased cancer risk, but within that they had a slightly increased risk of cancer of the thyroid and small intestine. It wasn’t known if those were caused from the RAI or from something related to Graves’ Disease and hyperthyroidism, however. It was surmised also that the increased risk of thyroid cancer could be eliminated by a higher, ablative dose of RAI.

    Post count: 75

    Thank you very much for your replies. That is reassuring. I find the idea of being away from my family for up to 11 days difficult though… that must be hard.
    So for what I gather from the posts is the major negative of RAI could be that it may enhance TED?

    Post count: 292

    Yes, RAI might make TED worse for patients who already have it, but that risk can be eliminated entirely if the patient is given prednisone at the same time. The other significant negative for RAI is that it will certainly make the patient hypothyroid, and some patients don’t ever seem to feel quite as well as they did before, once this happens. The majority will feel fine, so you have no way of knowing beforehand how it will turn out.

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