I was in remission from Graves until recently. I was on PTU before remission and on PTU now. It is effecting my liver and my doctor just wants me to know go the RAI route. I’m nervous about opening up a new can of worms if I do this. I had a thyroid ultrasound yesterday and I am waiting on the results. I emailed my Doctor today and asked If I can try another drug. I have not heard from her as of yet. She had wanted me to do the RAI in 2006 I didn’t listen and ended up going into remission.I am on the fence and was wondering what worked for others or if others who were once in remission and were in the same boat. What did they do?
I know that this is a horrible situation to find yourself in, BUSYMOM, but I would like to inject a wee bit of reality here for you to mull over. You can live, and live well, without a thyroid. You cannot live without a liver.
We, here, have all been faced with the reality of having an autoimmune disease, and most of us have felt conflicted about the choices facing us. It’s hard to make treatment decisions, and even harder when the choice we prefer is blocked by medical reasons. But we can — and DO — live well without our thyroids. Keep that positive thought in your mind, and it may help you. I hope so, anyway.
Hi Busymom, if there are significant changes in your liver function, then, as Bobbi and your doc have said, there is reason to stop the ATD your are taking for that reason. I don’t know if you have tried the other the other antithyroid drug, METHIMAZOLE (Tapazole.) I think it is more commonly used now than PTU, you can check that out with your doctor. But it also needs to be watched with labs for any changes in liver function.
So, you have given it the old college try to attain remission, and to use ATD’s if you do become hyper. But this is not working for you because of the potential for liver damage. In your case, your labs reflect changes in your liver function, so another decision needs to be made.
You did not mention if you are in the hyper stage right now. But if you are euthryroid, and your doctor is suggesting tht you go off ATD’s, now is the time for you to consider the choices of RAI or thyroidectomy. It is nice to explore both options. There is no wrong answer, really. You do, however, need to get referrals for names of surgeons who routinely do thyroidectomies. We learned at the conference last fall for the surgeon who gave the lecture, that 50 a year is a good number. If you happen to live in a town without access to a larger medical center, it is less likely that you will find a surgeon who regularly does this surgery. There has been A HUGE AMOUNT OF DISCUSSION on the posts in the very recent past. Please do use the search engine, putting each of those words in, and reading their posts. lch11, has recently had surgery, and she has written a lot about her decision process to come to that conclusion, and she is very happy with her decision. We can’t live without a functioning liver. But we can live very well without a thyroid.
I ad the surgery, I am very happy with my decision. Others are on ADT’s, including several of the facilitators, and they are happy with their decision. If any of them had changes in liver function, they would be in the position you are now, looking at the remaining two alternatives. Bobbi’s point is well taken. And, of course, many have chosen RAI, and you can read a ton of posts about their experience with RAI.
Keep us posted! Glad you wrote.
ShirleyHi there — I agree with all the above. I’m just writing in to say that Shirley has given you my username in the wrong order and you’ll never find my posts about surgery that way.
” title=”Very Happy” /> It’s lhc11 (not lch11). Search away, and good luck to you as you move forward. It WILL be ok.
lhc11I had reservations about remembering your "name!" Should have looked it up first! Sorry. Glad you wrote right away, lhc11!!!!!! Good catch!
ShirleyI emailed my Doctor. We are going to try the tapazole and I’m willing to give it the good ole college try. I’m sure she will monitor me. Yes I do know I have only one liver and I do have my big girl pants on. I have to try this route to know that I have exahusted my ATD options before I go down another lane. My gut tells me just don’t go down the RAI/surgery just yet. The last time I followed my instinct was in 2006 when my Doctor told me to do the RAI. I had a standing order for blood work which showed normal thyorid level and was inremission until now. Yes my instincts are wrong at times.The saga will continue. I will keep you posted….
I’ll keep fingers crossed that the tapazole works for you this time around.
That is so cool! You have it all worked out, and Tapazole it is! You are doing just fine! AND you have been proactive, and have it all worked out! Best wishes, keep in touch. This is a great place for support.
Shirley -
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