Potassium iodide is intended to prevent damage to the thyroid only ~ our thyroid is already damaged, or at least compromised, or at least not operating in the most healthy manner, so the question is largely moot for us. If we’ve had RAI or surgery and have no thyroid left, there could be NO impact on us whatsoever by taking potassium iodide.
I was living within 50 miles of the Three-Mile Island facility in May 1979 when it had its "episode," and when I was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease (in 1999), I asked my endo how this happened to me, and he said, I don’t know, did you live near Three-Mile Island? I’ve never heard anyone else willing to connect the two events, but it definitely stuck in my head. Bottom line, even with a large amount of radiation at the outset coming from Japan, we are thousands of miles away and we are millions of people, and the overall impact to each individual will be miniscule.
I saw a news report last night mentioning that potassium iodide can be harmful to a person if it is taken in the absence of a very high radiation exposure risk, so it is absolutely NOT recommended for the U.S. population at this time. If there were to be a local event, that’d be a different question. In any event, those of us without a thyroid have nothing to protect with the potassium iodide.
So are those of us who are taking methimazole at greater risk? I am flying across the Pacific tomorrow night and I am phobic enough about being stuck in a metal box for 14 hours without the added radiation stress! I think I will eat sushi for dinner tonight to increase my iodine intake:)
Remember that others are trying to avoid the risk of ending up with Graves’, and you’ve got Graves’ already. It’s not possible to get it "twice," so truthfully, I wouldn’t worry if I were you. Since you are so worried about it already, I would ask your endocrinologist or a radiologist to confirm your status. If there were some unusual level of risk for you (and all GD patients taking ATDs), the doctor would let you know, I’m sure. Everything I’ve seen is heavily invested in telling people that it is not necessary (and potentially harmful) to take potassium iodide in the absence of a SEVERE risk. If there were some population for whom that advice would be different, they would say so.
I suggest you continue to check reliable resources regarding this matter. From what I have learned, it is a non issue, with 5000 miles of ocean, even of all four of’em blew up. There is more harm from using K Iodide with no reason and rationale So those are my thoughts, based on what I refer to for news and information.
I sure wish I were flying tomorrow! And I would love to have sushi with you tonight!
Radioactive plumes from Japan are estimated to hit the west coast of USA tomorrow. They say it will only be small amounts of radiation, but I am just wondering if anyone knows if people with Grave’s need to take extra precautions? When I did the radioactive iodine uptake test my thyroid absorbed 65% of the iodine. Does anyone know what would happen to us if we were exposed to huge levels of radiation? Would it just make us hypo like RAI treatment? Are we more at risk of thyroid cancer?
Thinking of the people in Japan.
Hi all – Just wanted to mention that the Foundation’s home page at http://www.ngdf.org has been updated to include some info on radiation and the thyroid gland from the American Thyroid Association and the Endocrine Society.
There is certainly a lot of hype out there — particularly from people who want to sell you Potassium Iodide pills.
” title=”Very Happy” /> So it’s important to get information from trusted sources.
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