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  • jaqeinquotation
    Post count: 131

    Hi everyone,

    My surgeon/Opthalmalogist specialist has suggested radiation therapy and I am having difficulty finding good information about this kind of treatment.

    Has anyone had any experience with RT and if so can you share your experience.

    Do I need to take time off from work? Will I have to stay away from my family?

    My appointment with the RT specialist is next week and I wondered if anyone can provide some useful tips like questions to ask.

    Or maybe someone can refer me to a website that will help0 me decide if I want them to proceed.


    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I haven’t had this procedure done, but hopefully, the following links will be of interest:

    (Note on links: if you click directly on the following link, you will need to use your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing, or you will have to log back in to the forum. As an alternative, you can right-click the link and open it in a new tab or new window).

    Dr. César A. Briceño – “Do Steroids & Radiation work in Graves’ Eye Disease?”

    International Thyroid Eye Disease Society Web Site:

    Hopefully, others will chime in here as well with their experiences.

    Post count: 131

    Thanks very much. I will check out those links

    Post count: 20

    Hi. If you are talking radiation therapy for your eyes – I did have 10 sessions. I only took off of work the first two days to see how I was going to feel. In my case it was more mental than anything else because of the mask I was made to wear and I am claustrophobic.

    After that, I went to work early, took off for my session and then returned to work. Everyone at the Medical College hear in Milwaukee was wonderful. I was just thinking last night on how I still have that mask and I STILL plan on making it a work of art. 😎

    My Graves Eye disease progressed quite rapidly. The radiation helped slow this down so I was able to have decompression surgery earlier this spring.

    Good Luck and let me know how it goes.

    Post count: 131

    Hi and thanks so much for sharing your experience with me. I met with the radiotherapist yesterday. These appoinments are always tough for me because deep down I am hoping someone will tell me that I don’t have to look like this anymore or at least that I can look better.

    I haven’t made a decision yet about the radiotherapy but I figure what do I have to lose? Apparently, it “might” help with the double vision and “might” help with the inability to move my eyes (up, down, left and right). It seems the opthalmalogist and radiotherapist thinks it “may” help and unfortunately if there is any difference I won’t see it for months.

    Oh this does wonders for our mental health doesn’t it lol.

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