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  • Bobbi
    Post count: 1324

    There are some over-the-counter products that are sometimes used to alleviate itching. Calamine Lotion/Caladryl is one of them. There are topical steroid creams as well. But it might be worth a try if you can find a small size. Also, Aveda (I think it is) has bath soaks containing oatmeal that are designed to moisturize skin and thereby help with itching.

    The eye disease runs its own course in its own time, unfortunately. There are no necessary predictors available. (Smoking is thought to make it worse. ) Typically the ‘hot phase’ of the eye disease (the phase in which symptoms appear and grow) lasts anywhere from 18 months to 3 years. But it is thought by many doctors/researchers that all of us have "some" eye involvement when we have Graves. The percentage of folks who develop truly horrid eye disease is small. I realize that isn’t a comfort right now. When I began exhibiting symptoms of the eye disease I was panicked even though I knew then what I just told you. Waiting and watching was something that put me sorely to the test.

    Right now it sounds like you have only the soft tissue swelling aspects of things. You can help with those symptoms by elevating the head of your bed (by putting books/bricks/boards under the head of the bed — don’t just elevate your head with pillows, which throws off the spine). Also, sometimes cold compresses will alleviate the swelling. We suggest keeping a couple of small ziplock bags full of frozen peas in the freezer, and using them as your cold compress. By putting the peas in the baggies, you avoid inadvertantly eating them after they’ve thawed and frozen several times. But peas are a good size for fitting around the contours of your eyes, reaching everywhere needed.

    I also went to the cosmetics counter of a local department store and asked for "industrial strength" make up to hide the swelling. I think now I might have been better off going to a theatrical makeup supply company, but……

    These are just "coping" ideas obviously. But they can help to make life a bit easier with the disease.

    I wish you well,

    Post count: 3


    I am new to this board. I was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago for Grave’s. It started with swelling in my eyes and I kept going to the doctor. After about a week my heart rate was up and my thyroid was tested. I started on a beta blocker and methimazole right away because I was extremely toxic when I saw the Endo.

    My first questions is about the eye disease. I have it but it has been pretty consistent and mild the past 4 weeks. It is always swelling on my upper lids and below my eye. It is much worse in the morning, but by the end of the day it does not look so bad. I saw an Opthamologist and he said for now it is mild so there is nothing much to do but wait. My question is based on these what are the chances of it getting much worse. I know it could last a while but I am curious to know how it changes over time. Have other people found it stays stable or will get worse over time?

    My second question is about my rash. I developed a rash on Thursday night. I saw the Endo and she took me off the methimazole (assuming for now I am allergic). She gave me a steriod which should help. It has helped with the rash, but the itching is still excruciating and keeps moving around my entire body. The Endo does not want me take an antihistamine until we check my levels ( I tested Friday I should have the result Monday). Anyone have any ideas of how to relieve the itching or when possible the itching will start to settle down? Any ideas appreciated!


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