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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    We really do understand ~ it’s a VERY tough time. There’s a chance that you are simply a bad candidate for using ATDs (anti-thyroid drugs, the methimazole), because these swings from hyper to hypo are nearly as debilitating as a chronic hyper or hypothyroid level. I know that’s a hard thing to decide, because your only other choices are RAI or surgery. Still, if one of those treatments can lead you to health, it’s worth it.

    Stress elevates the actions of the immune system, and with Graves’ Disease, we have antibodies that are causing us harm, so stress typically triggers escalating symptoms if we still have our thyroid. There are a few things you can do to minimize the effect stress has on you, like eating right, getting your rest, taking good care of yourself by limiting your activities to only what you can tolerate, things like that.

    It’s a little alarming that you’re on several anti-depressants. I thought a person was meant to find the one that works, not keep adding more to the mix, but I have very little experience with anti-depressants, so it’s not something I can speak about. If your doctor is willing, I think the two of you should have a frank discussion about what’s been going on and what your options are going forward. You need to have a very close eye on your levels in order to find a dose that will keep you normal. You need to return to health. The continuing stress of disease can just be a downward spiral, and you need to level off and start spiraling back up to normal.

    You CAN do it, I know you will. It may involve another decision of treatment, or it may involve much more testing and changes in your diet and activities, but one way or another I know you can return to yourself.

    Post count: 5

    Hello everyone! I enjoy being able to come here, you are all so very nice! I have some questions for some of you Graves "Veterans" so to speak. I was diagnosed in March 09 and have been having severe ups and downs ever since. When I was diagnosed, I had tremors, severe panic attacks, night sweats, intolerance to heat and floaters in my left eye. After about 2 months of taking the Tapazole I was feeling a little better, but still tremoring in the morning and then the concentration issues started. I was prescribed antidepressants to try to get my focus back in order. It helped, but only a little…I still have to write myself notes ALL the time. After speaking to my doctor, his thoughts were that I had too much stress in my job (I was an insurance agent and had my own office) he told me that I was probably not able to do the job at the capacity needed and I wont be able to regulate anything until I find something else. My liver enzymes now really high and my bp was going from 157/94 down to 87/54. Been going in every 2 weeks for blood tests (oh, did I mention I have no health insurance). I was in the hospital one day because I had run out of tapazole one weekend and got caught up in everything…I felt like I was having a heart attack. No attack, but doc is seeing me more now. About a week after the hospital I got to the point where I can not stay awake more than like 3 hours at a time. I would almost pass out, not just take a nap, it was not negotiable. I went in and he said that my seretonin (SP?) levels really low, and thyroid almost hypo. soooo he prescribed me an additional anti depressant. Now I am up and down, up and down, have an appointment on Thursday to discuss disability that I applied for when I gave up my agency. I am asking some of you…who may have been through this to tell me what I should do.

    I have been trying to work part time (which does not pay my bills)- stress
    if I work a whole day, the net day I sleep almost 20 hours of 24 and feel very lethargic- stress
    when i go in the next day, I have to try to overperform because I am behind (working on commission now)- stress

    symptoms I still have everyday=slight tremors in hands in mornings (cant even curl hair without burning myself), 1/2 blind in left eye (scar being affected by blood flow…big white fuzzy haze to try to look through), extreme jitters or extreme fatigue, still having panic attacks, and concentration’/memory problems

    medicine I am on=tapazole, klonopin, wellbutrin, and another anti depressant I cant remember

    I am trying to work part time for my friend, but she is very understanding and knows what I am going through…any other employer would not tolerate. How am I supposed to try to find another full time job and let them know that I might fall asleep at my desk, or need to take a walk because I need to calm down. I basically have been on a shoestring budget since August and the bill collectors are calling…and calling, never been late on a thing so guess what- more stress!

    I always feel like I am whining and making excuses (or at least feel that people may view me that way) but I cannot work like this…I am very beaten down right now. I know I cannot go on disability forever…but with what is going on, do you think that maybe short/long term disability should be a problem. I feel like my doc thinks I should be ok to work. I am seeing him Thursday and discussing this. If he wants to give me a job to prove himself right…that would be ok too!!!

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Post count: 5

    I went to the doctor yesterday and he did fill out my total disability forms for me for 6-12 months. He also urged me to apply for medicaid, which I did. he is referring me to a neurologist (I am still having problems with my memory) and since I am on 37 he wants a specialist to look at me. We have a lot of family history of early onset memory issues. But not at 37!!!

    So I will keep updating if anything changes!

    Thank you for your advice


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