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  • Talley
    Post count: 62

    Hi there;

    It has been five days since my TT and tumor removal. I think I am doing quite well – still sore, especially where tumor was removed. I am only taking Tylenol now and other than being sore, I’m feeling OK

    Anyway, I started Synthroid on day 2 post TT. I am having what I assume are hot flashes – was sitting with my daughter watching tv and got soaked. Is this a post-surgical “thing”, due to Synthroid or just an adjustment period?? I really hope these don’t continue like this…

    Also, I am very nauseous in the am. I get up at 6:00 and take my 100mcg dose, go back to sleep until around 7. I get up and have a cup of tea with lactose-free milk and the nausea hits me – sticks around for a good few hours…I thought I read not to eat for at least an hour after taking the Synthroid…is there a “breaking-in” period?

    Thanks – I know you all aren’t doctors – I will go for my first post-op appointment on Wednesday and will ask all my questions then.


    Post count: 182

    Hi Talley. Good to hear that you are on the mend! My hot flashes have gotten a little worse since TT but I am menopausal so I’m not sure of the exact cause. I don’t sweat with them but it does feel like my core is on fire and I feel myself getting a little anxious until they pass. Funny because today I started timing them. Seems like I have about one each hour. Annoying!

    I started my synthroid at 5O mcgs and take mine at the same times and the same way you described. I am not experiencing any nausea now. But I do remember feeling a little nausea the first week after TT…I thought it was more related to the surgery than the Levothyroxine.

    Hope this helps!


    Post count: 62

    Thanks Karen;

    One an hour!?! Oh my, I think that would push me over the edge:)…I hope your hot flashes getting worse are short-term along with mine…

    I hope tomorrow there is no nausea…if so, I’ll try to avoid the tea for a bit longer.

    Post count: 1909

    I have to think the nausea is anesthesia related? You might ask the surgeon if the location of the tumor, and subsequent removal, could have any relationship to your nausea.

    Generally, I have my hand wrapped around a cup of coffee about 20 minutes after I take my Synthroid. sometimes longer, but not much. I have never waited an hour. But I have been consistent over time for years and years, so it is pretty much comparing apples to apples.

    I have not heard of Synthroid causing nausea.

    I am SO GLAD you have an appointment on Wednesday. This nausea feeling is terrible! I sure am sorry.

    Post count: 195

    Hi talley!

    Are you lactose intolerant? Just an FYI that synthroid (brand) has lactose as a filler in it. It caused me to have nausea.

    Hope you feel better soon!


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