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  • JHall
    Post count: 2

    I recently was diagnosed with GD. I was taking diet pills and lost 30lbs. Then came the news about my thyroid which we figure was the pills. My doctor put me on methimazole, two pills a day. The only problem I have with this is it makes me feel horrible. I get a dizzy sick headache, I’m tired and feel just plain bad. I stopped taking the medication and felt the best I have felt in a long time, except for my eyes hurting. It felt like someone was behind them pushing them out. Of course, my mother freaked out and made me start taking the pills again. I go back to the doctor next week and I will tell him then. Is it normal for the pills to make me feel this way? I appreciate any help you can give.

    Post count: 1324

    If you were put on methimazole, it was because a blood test showed that your thyroid levels were too high. Diet pills don’t do this. The majority of times when people have thyroid levels that are too high, it is because of Graves. There are a couple of other reasons for excessive thyroid levels, but Graves usually is the culprit. But it doesn’t matter. Whatever the reason, getting thyroid levels back to normal is extremely important (it can lead to heart damage) and we get put on an antithyroid drug (ATD) like methimazole.

    The ATDs act as a chemical block to the production of thyroid hormone. You need to be on just the right dose of it — a "Goldilocks" dose, if you will: not too much, and not too little. If you take too much, you will become hypothyroid. If you take too little, you will remain hyperthyroid. So you need to find the dose that leaves your thyroid levels in the normal zone. So it is extremely important, when you are prescribed these pills, that you take them as directed. If you stop them temporarily, or lower the dose on your own sometimes, your doctor will not be able to find the right dose for you. When you see your doctor, you do need to tell him/her that you stopped, and for how many days, etc., so that he has a better idea of what dose you should be on. It might be the dose you are on now, but itmight be different.

    Can the pills make you feel bad? They typically are tolerated pretty well, but as with any drug therapy, some people have adverse side effects from them. The problem might also be, however, that by controlling your thyroid levels they are eliminating a "buzz" that you had while hyperthyroid AND while taking diet pills (which tend to jazz us up, as well). I hated that buzz, but some folks find it makes them feel like they are energized. You should try to objectively describe how the pills make you feel, so that you can discuss it with your doctor. There is another ATD that can be prescribed if your doctor thinks that your problems with methimazole are side effect related. But it is VERY important that you treat hyperthyroidism.

    Post count: 1569

    I just wanted to address your comment about feeling as if your eyes were being "pushed out." If indeed what you are dealing with is Graves’, then an associated condition is Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), which is a separate condition that should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist. TED has its own disease course, but it is also autoimmune (like Graves’ thyroid disease). The methimazole would likely not do anything to change that, but having increased stress (due to uncertainties and also hyperthyroidism) could stimulate the antibodies that do affect the eyes, and that could bring on the feeling of having your eyes "pushed out." The antibodies cause the tissues behind the eye to swell, which is what brings on that feeling. There’s not much you can do about it immediately, but it’s good to learn about. Keep in mind that most patients do not get the worst of the TED symptoms ~ once you look it up, you’ll see why I say that.

    This is a time to start learning about the things you’re dealing with, and getting them conclusively diagnosed so you can move forward and see clearly your path.

    I’m so glad you found us.

    Post count: 2

    Thanks so much!

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