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  • Madame_X
    Post count: 128

    Hope I can help.

    I’ve been a long time sufferer of cold sores. And yes, when there is bad stress, I will get a cold sore. The cold sores are extrinsic of Graves.

    She can use something like Aleve or if the breakouts are especially bad, there’s Cyclovir (I think that is the name of it). I don’t know if meds for Graves have any contraindications; she should ask her endo if she can have cyclovir if her breakouts are especially bad and often. Ditto the Aleve; see if the Graves meds have any contraindications before she uses any on her cold sores.

    I don’t know about the bone pain, though it is definitely something she should report to her endo. Same goes for her sore throat; maybe she’s got a bug she can’t shake or one that is resistant to what she might be taking for the sore throat.

    Hope she feels better soon.

    Post count: 51

    Hi – I was diagnosed with Graves in November 2006. As early as summer of 2005, I started feeling run down, achy, with pain in my muscles and a low-grade fever for weeks at a time. I was tested for everything – Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus – finally I was told I might have fibromyalgia. A year later, I was hyperthyroid – but I always see the summer of 2005 as the start of my health problems, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was my thyroid way back then.

    Hope this helps.

    Post count: 292

    Bone aches cold sores, and sore throats are not problems I’ve heard people mention a lot as part of Graves’ Disease. Your daughter should definitely mention it to her doctor, and if he tells her the same thing, she should ask him to follow up on what might be causing it. I hope there’s nothing serious, but the doctor has to determine that.

    Best wishes,

    Post count: 1

    My daughter has just been diagnosed with Graves.My question is: does this disease make you bones ache? She has complained for months that her bones hurt. She is 24. She also gets cold sores whenever she gets stressed or ill,is this a sympton? It seems she has a sore throat and doesn’t feel well every couple weeks?! Please, any info would be helpful.

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