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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Abigail,

    The problem with prolonged use of PTU has to do with the white cells. My doctor is constantly checking to make sure nothing is happening in that area. As long as you are being checked frequently, it’s fine if you and your doctor are happy with it. In my case even though I had not had any white cell problems, the specialists did not wish to take the chance. I suspect that they had had someone with a problem and did not want to take a chance again. They did however, give me six months without medication to see if I was in complete remission. I was not, hence the RAI.


    Post count: 93172

    Sorry if this has been hashed out too many times already–I’m doing very well on PTU, and can’t figure out whatthe advantage of RAI would be–why do people choose thistreatment (assuming the PTU works for them, of course)–am I missing some information? Thank you,–Abigail

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