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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    I’m not sure either. My doctor want to put me on PTU, and said he would pn;y for a short time (2-3months). How are you doing now, and how did you feel on PTU? Thanks Karen

    Post count: 93172

    I was wondering if anyone could answer my question in regards to how long you are supposed to be on PTU Therapy? I was only on for 6 weeks and then they took me off – since my levels turned normal. However, everything I read states you are on for the least time of 12 – 24 mos. Is that because their levels have not turned normal or they stayed on them regardless? Would appreciate any help on this. Thanks.

    Post count: 93172

    Hello Rose:

    I think it depends on each situation. I have been on PTU’s on and off for over 3 years now. From 4 pills a day in the beginning to now 1 pill a day. If you are lucky PTU’s will bring your levels down and keep them in the normal range. Like you are :)

    I on the other hand was not that lucky. Since my hormone levels didn’t respond to PTU’s I had to have Radiation Idoine treatment which was done in MAY 99. We are still waiting for my levels to taper off. They were still high at my last Doctor’s appointemnt in March 2000. We are hoping by my next Doctor’s visit in June that we’ll see some progress. If not I will have to decide whether to have the RI treatment again or have surgery. I am really tired at this point. I am leaning towards surgery. I want this over once and for all, at this point I just want my life back. At least to some degree.

    Take Care!!


    P. S.
    I wish you continued success with your treatment.

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