I’m wondering if Graves’ makes any long-term psychological changes or is able to affect a person psychologically even if their thyroid levels are normal? I’m a little hypo right now but less than I’ve been in the past, I’m dealing with a small dosage change. Over the last two months I’m beginning to have unusual for me problems with my temper. I had lab work just two weeks ago that would not account for all this.
Advice appreciated!
Hi. I have not had similar experiences, but sure can understand why the stress builds. And, I guess the other thought is, anything else going on in your world that would contribute to this (not asking you to say, but just give it some thought)
I know you had labs two weeks ago, but the change is profound, so maybe schedule another lab for next week????
ShirleyHi cat, I don’t know about long term effects, but I think as long as our thyroids are acting whacky, we are out of sorts, as they say.
I do exactly what you do. I am a very impatient person. Can’t stand on line too long. I begin to get bored, hem and haw and want to leave. Couldn’t stand the other day at the cosmetic counter. The girls, to me, couldn’t move fast enough. I started to mumble “maybe I should just go order this online.” Then they came over to help me.
I have Graves’ Rage. I just blow up. Wow! You don’t want to be in the car with me when some idiot cuts me off at the path. “Stay out of my lane or I’ll run you over.” LOL!
I used to think it was just my hot Italian temper, now I know it’s more than that.
Thanks Shirley, yep there are lots of stressful things happening in my life coming from every direction. I know part of the problem is how I am reacting to these things, but there are actually lots of objective real life things to react to also. I’ll think about doing the labs early if things keep on like this – my endo usually insists on a minimum of three weeks so it might be uphill to convince her.
Thanks Karen, oh yes standing in line is horrible! But then I always had a problem with that actually… It’s more than I used to be able to bite my tongue and now sometimes I just can’t and over small potatoes stuff too. My actual behavior might not look strange to someone who doesn’t know me, but I know I’m behaving out of character.
@catstuart7 – Agree with Shirley that it’s good to look at any current circumstances to see if that could be a contributing factor. I find that when I’m dealing with a major personal crisis, my tolerance for “the small stuff” takes a nosedive!
Of course, getting your thyroid levels to where they are both normal *and* stable should give you some relief as well. If you’ve been dealing with hypo, it’s no wonder you aren’t feeling you best.
If you get through any current stressors, you get your labs stabilized, and you are still having issues, certainly a visit to a specialist can be helpful. In some cases, there is an underlying disorder that can benefit from treatment.
Take care!
Thanks Kimberly! I’m feeling a bit better today. It’s weird it seems like my natural stress recovery systems are damaged. If I can go long enough without a new big stress, I’m relatively “normal” but once something happens it’s like a bell that won’t stop ringing. I’ve heard so many stories of people getting gobbled up by the mental health system and put on drugs and given diagnoses when in the end it was all just thyroid issues so I sure don’t want that. Will try to give it a bit more time.
Oh God…I’m having the same problems coupled with depression. I know it’s disease. I had a TT about 2 months ago and except for a little fatigue..I’m good. However the moods are something fierce (at times). I take no crap and my fuse is short..especially if I’m dealing with someone who knows me and is doing something they know I don’t approve of. I get so irritated and honestly it’s scaring me.
Normally I’m the nicest person, give you the shirt of my back and leave myself without. I work in the public sector and I will go to bat for my clients so I don’t understand what is happening to me. The depression can be overwhelming at times and I wish there was a support group in my area-heck in Ontario, Canada period but sadly there isn’t and I’m so sure that would help. I know this for sure. So much so that I want to start one myself. Not to offer or give health information because I’m not a doctor but just to talk, vent, share ideas and SUPPORT. I remember asking about that idea once before on this site and someone responded about all this “stuff” I would have to do in order to start a Graves/Hashimotos support group…personally I thought I was misunderstood.
I’m seeing my new physician on the 19th and will be requesting a referral to a psychiatrist; sometimes the thoughts in my head can be very convincing and I not ready to go yet. Yeah it’s that bad sometimes…but I can control and hide it well
jaqeinquotation wrote:I remember asking about that idea once before on this site and someone responded about all this “stuff” I would have to do in order to start a Graves/Hashimotos support group…personally I thought I was misunderstood.@ jaqeinquotation – That was probably me that responded to your question about starting a local support group, and my comments were based not only on the GDATF’s policy, but also my personal experience running a group in AZ. It is a lot of work, particularly in the initial stages when you are trying to find meeting space and get the word out to others. In fact, there are a handful of times in my 5+ year Graves’ journey where stress caused my levels to go hypER again, and when I was getting our group started in 2010, that was one of those times!
The GDATF’s policy is to wait until individuals have been through treatment for resolving hyperthyroidism and any eye issues before tackling the formation of a new support group. Part of the reason is that starting a group takes a lot of time and energy, and right now, it’s important that you take care of yourself first. The other part is that when the GDATF advertises a group with their name/web site, they want to make sure that there is a stable contact in the area who has “been there, done that” and can provide a supportive environment for others.
When the time comes that you are over the Graves’/TED rollercoaster and you are ready to reach out to other patients, we can definitely get you started with the leadership application process. As an alternative, if you could get your endocrinologist or eye doctor to host a group, the GDATF would be happy to work directly with your doctor in getting a group started. Most groups are patient-led, but we do work with a couple of medical facilities who host groups on a quarterly basis.
Much sympathies jaqeinquotion, it is a tough thing. Over and over I have to check myself if I begin to have angry or fearful thoughts to see how do I feel in my body – often I’ll discover the feeling is physical and it is driving my thoughts. Of course it’s a lot easier to do that if I’m home alone and start feeling anxious for no reason, when it happens in real time interactions it is harder to monitor. The thoughts and emotions do feel real and valid….but on later reflection it’s like a trick my body played on my brain. I’m doing a bit better since my first post on this but still being cautious. I hope the psychiatrist is helpful and comes up with some good plans of action.
I second that. the feelings do trigger the thoughts. what can you do? I feel so lousy, everything is larger than life and then I use my reactive mind!
It’s not nice being around “John Gotti” at this time. LOL! that’s how I feel – like a mobster. I guess being Italian doesn’t help, but there are some people………………..I’ll stop now.
Kimberly, I appreciate your response and to tell you the truth I do not remember if it was you or someone else who responded to me. Nevertheless, I need support now and I am 100% positive that there a lot of people in our situation that have no idea how long this is going last; the feelings, moods, health etc etc. I respect the process but I see no harm in sharing, talking, listening.
A girlfriend of mine came by desk today to say that she knows another lady who is living graves and TED. She mentioned that the woman is really depressed and taking things really hard. I didn’t even hesitate when I told my friend to give her my # if she wants to talk.
I could have said, “Oh it’s too bad that we don’t have a support group in our area”, but when you have graves you already feel like an alien because very few people have even heard of graves. If and when she calls, I will listen and listen some more and share my own experience if she wants to hear it.
I am not her doctor, specialist, or counsellor but there’s nothing wrong me asking her if she has either of those supports and nothing wrong with me encouraging her and letting her know that she is not alone. I would even,like I’ve done several times before, refer her to this site (if she has access to the Internet).
Honestly, if more people in my area find out about my journey with graves and they want to talk and know about our lack of resources in Canada, I will not refuse to be an informal support to them. Awareness is key and that’s all I’m trying to do.
catstuart7 and vanillasky, we are going get through this…one day at a time.
This forum is great and and its gotten me through many a tomes but I do wish that we lived in same city so that we could meet, chat, laugh, share just to help balance this weight on our shoulders. Don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have Internet.
@jaqeinquotation: I feel you! completely!
I wished we all lived close too then we could have a “Graves’ Re-union.” LOL!
If anyone ever wants to PM me, please feel free. Or if you want, I will give my email address or phone number.
We need to stick together because if it wasn’t for this forum, I would be all alone myself. Nobody I know has Graves’
@jaqeinquotation – I would never discourage anyone from making local connections with others who have Graves’…that’s a wonderful source of support and encouragement!
However, when someone posts that they want to start a support group, we assume that they are talking about starting a formal group that will be advertised on the GDATF’s web site, this forum, our Facebook page, etc.. In order to publicize meetings in these venues, we need to have a leader who has gone through the formal application/training process.
If you just want to meet someone over coffee or talk on the phone, that’s great! My only suggestion would be to be cautious of giving out personal details (like home address) until you’ve had a chance to meet someone in a public place.
Take care!
HUGS to you guys! We will get through this some way some how.
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