Alice – I don’t have tons of time but I will tell you that I was a practicing certified nurse midwife for years and "caught" plenty of babys from women with thyroid disease. Pregnancy changes thyroid requirements – so expect more frequent blood tests and some dosage changes. It if far better that you had this treated before pregnancy then having hyperthyroid crisis in the middle of your pregnancy. Follow closely with your OB provider and endo. I managed many thyroid OB patients during my years of practice – and always co-managed with a competent OB-Gyn. Congratulations!!!! Cathy
Thank you so much!!!! All the best to you and your family
hello everybody,
I was diagnosed last July with GD. At the end of October I had a total thyroidectomy. I just found out I am pregnant, just 5 weeks. I had a test with TSH, FT3,FT4, TSI and I am waiting the results in 3 days. Any advise by then? anybody who had a total thyroidectomy for Graves, got pregnant and has a healthy baby? Great thanks for your help, I am just nervous!!!! This is my second pregnancy but when I was pregnant with my first baby who is 2.5 now, I did not have any problem with GD and i had my thyroid also!!! Thanks” title=”Neutral” />
Hey firstly congratulations!
Yes my sis had her thyroid out and then fell pregant with twins. My endo pointed out the other day that after a thyroidectomy you can fall pregnant 6 weeks after the op and your chances of m/c etc go down to "the normal" 1 in 4. He highlighted that I would still have to attend a special endo/gyn clinic as they would alter the levels of thyroxine on a regular basis but that all should be fine.
My GD was active during pregnancy with my last little boy and they had to keep a really close eye on me but as cathy highlighted it should me a less worrying time for you now thyroid wise.
Congrats again and hope you are keeping well xxxx
” title=”Very Happy” /> !!! Thank you love, I haven’t tell anyone yet because I am scared of sth bad so I am waiting to reach 8th week so I can hear fetus heart. After that I will announce!!!! Thanks everybody!
All should go well as long as your thyroid levels are closely monitored, and I’m sure they will be. So, another sincere congratulations from me!
Dianne W
Hey Alice how are you feeling?
M x
Hi, thank you for asking. Actually I feel great, much better than before! And it is not psychological because I was not trying for an other baby. Also, my eyes look better, nearly well. I had lab test and they are ok, we just increased T4. I also had TSI results which were only 3 ( negative is <10, and 10 -15 is the grey zone). My doctor said that during pregnancy most diseases which have to do with immune system are in remission so I believe that this is my case. I am quite happy for that but I am still a little worried…I am alittle bit ‘"worry" person
. Now I am in the 6th week I am waiting for the eighth so I can hear baby’s heart ( Oh my God, first time I call him/her "baby"). After that I think that I will be much better…. So up to now everything is fine. i am happy i found all of you!! Thank you!!!!!
” title=”Smile” />
Hey delighted to hear you are well. My thyroid was very well behaved during pregnancy and I could come off all meds so fingers crossed for you too,
Keep us posted – all will be well
M xxAlice – as a nurse-midwife, there always seemed to be two moments of pure joy and relief – the first with that 8 week heart beat and the second with that first scream. Let us know – I know I will have my fingers crossed!
Hi there,
I havent had a thyroidectomy, but I have had RAI. I have had two children since, and with each I was watched closely by my doctor (my doctor was an endocrinologist working within a "high Risk" team at our hospital for pregnant women.
I was told that the chance of passing on the antibodies for GRaves was incredibly slim, but still a chance, so I had ultrasounds every two weeks for both pregnancies after my 2nd trimester to look for an enlarged thyroid in the baby. I hate writing that because I dont want to scare you or anyone at all, but I had the same fears as you did! My doctor told me in his 40 years of treating pregnant women with Graves disease, he had only seen two cases of the mother passing on the antibodies to the fetus, and it was the same woman in both cases.
I was told even if the mother passed on these antibodies, and the baby showed signs of hyperthyroidism, that it was very easy to treat by giving the mother ATD’s.
Hope this helps.
By the way, there is a big bonus believe it or not… you may get frequent ultrasounds and see your beautiful baby more than most moms!!Thank all of you! I will let you know what is happenning. Thanks for the wishes, I do hope that everything will go fine and I will have another gift in my life!!!!!!!
Up to now, hormones are OK (T4 of 200), lab tests every two weeks, and waiting….sooooo much waiting!!!!
” title=”Smile” />
I had 14 scans with my last little boy but that was because the GD was active at the time. Everyday is a bonus!
M x
Hi Hyper, please tell me how do yo know that disease is active??? I mean that if you do not have a thyroid but you maintain good hormone levels, feeling better than before pregnancy, eyes have also been better, and thers is negative TSI level, is there anything else I can do? in any case, in Greece where I come from, during pregnancy you have 7 – 10 ultrasounds except blood tests, without a particular reason (medical business I call it). But I do not know what else I could do. Actually, next time I will have blood test I will also test anti TPO and anti Atha as doctor said.
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