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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Greetings all!

            I need help answering the messages because there are so many of them.
    If you are interested in helping as a NGDF volenteer send Nancy Patterson a
    message. You will have to fill out some paperwork to be a facilitator but
    I can use the help. I appreciate all the messages but I have one request. If
    the posting is of a personal nature could you please respond to the individual
    you are trying to send the message to? I know we all want to see the support
    but I am having trouble going through all the messages and trying to make sure
    I answer them all. As I said the other day Debbie, Diane, Bruce, Rachel and
    the others who help A BIG THANK YOU. Get recognized for what you do and sign up!
    I talked to Nancy today and she is back on-line so I hope to see a posting form
    her soon. Look forward to seeing you on the CHAT line. I check the line most
    every night just to see if anyone is there. Pop in sometime to se If I am there.
    I check most days between 5-530PM and again around 9:30PM. Keep talking
    and keep reading.


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