Thanks so much for the update, and so soon!! Your post will help people for years to come, I know.
” title=”Very Happy” /> I’m glad you’re feeling relatively well now, and looking forward to improvements moment to moment. Keep on with that great attitude!!
AWESOME news….thanks for the update.
Hi all — just wanted to let those who have been following (and anyone else thinking about surgery and reading this at some point down the road) that I’m home, 24 hours post thyroidectomy. I remember nothing about the surgery beyond shifting onto the operating table, and the worst thing that happened (apologies if TMI) was that the anesthesia kept me from being able to urinate afterwards–which coincided with (or caused) my getting really hot/feverish/crappy feeling about 6 hours post-op; finally, they did a catheter and it was like immediate relief, after which the problem resolved itself. My husband agreed to spend the night in the room with me on a cot, which was very sweet and made me feel much better. I was eating by 5 hours after waking up (wolfed down a whole plate of mashed potatoes and meatloaf) and ate another good breakfast this morning. Other than expected throat soreness and feeling a little tired, that’s it…looking forward to just resting, taking my 100 mcg of Synthroid and hoping it’s close to right, and so forth. My super-skilled surgeon said my thyroid wasn’t swollen but it was enlarged–and my calcium levels were normal right after sugery, no damage to the parathyroids or to my voice. Whew.
Thanks to all for the continuing support!
That’s good news for you and for me. I’m still trying to get my levels to the point where I can consider surgery or RAI. I go to the doctor in a month and am anxious to see what my lab results will be. This crappy feeling is hard to explain to people and frustrating to deal with. I’m so anxious to feel "normal" again. I know it will happen but the road to that point is so long and winding! The biggest trouble I think is with my mind/memory. If something isn’t written down I can’t comprehend it very well. Of course, some of that has to do with age!
” title=”Smile” /> LOL I’m on PTU three times a day so wake up at 3 A.M. to take a dose. I won’t miss that routine. And thank goodness for three alarms on my cell phone. That’s become my constant companion!
Thanks for posting so quickly. When I get to that point, it might make my decision easier.
Hi all — just want to say that I continue to feel basically fine today (48 hours post surgery). Yes, the front of my neck is sore, and it’s hard to tell whether it’s inside my throat or outside because of course it’s a bit of both. I feel gingerly about moving it, and kept my head elevated last night (though I usually sleep flat, without even a pillow), which meant I woke up during the night a few times. And so I have been taking the pain meds they gave me (something called, amusingly, narco, which is not quite tylenol and not quite vicodin but rather something in between), which definitely helps (and makes me a little drowsy, which is fine). I haven’t showered yet since I got home because of this feeling of not wanting to move my neck too much and because even though I know the bandage is waterproof (in fact, I could even take the top one off today, the surgeon said), the thought of water on the incision site freaks me out a little bit. Eventually I will shower today, but I’m just waiting until I really can’t stand it any more.
” title=”Smile” />
Did I mention that I spent a bunch of money on fun scarves the other day? I recommend to anyone having surgery that you do that beforehand and then that you take one scarf to the hospital with you. I felt much better walking out of the hospital with an orange-and-white striped scarf around my neck covering up the bandage than I think I would have otherwise. The nurses were charmed. I’m even wearing my scarves a little at home.
@ lhc – Sounds like all went very well. Thanks for sharing your good news…and for the scarf idea. Love this!
@ Joanie – Are you doing OK with that 3 a.m. wake-up call to take your PTU? It seems like if you are on 3x per day, you could take it as soon as you wake up, when you go to bed, and once in the middle of the day…and that would space things out pretty evenly. If what you are doing is working, please ignore this suggestion. I am soooooo NOT a morning person, so the 3:00 a.m. alarm just sounded a little extreme to me.
” title=”Very Happy” /> You definitely want to make sure your body is getting adequate rest as you go through the healing process.
Hi lhc, I had pretty much the same good experience you are having post op. Minus the catheter. But I know the relief it can bring. As a pre/post op recovery room RN (until I retired last year) I am wondering if they gave you a chance to go to bathroom RIGHT before you went to the OR. It is very important to do, and often forgotten in the rush of things (which really don’t need to be rushed.) Other than that, you may have gotten a couple liters of IV fluids. At any rate, it is HISTORY, and you are getting better with each day. As I recall, post op day 3 was the day I felt most uncomfortable. I think I took a shower (carefully, to not move head too much on day 4) the day of surgery being post op day zero.
Just a little minutia that really does not mean much, but more happiness from me for you, knowing this behind you, and you are moving toward normal. I know experiences are all over the map, but after the surgery, I was euthyroid, feeling super great and super normal for the next 35 years!
ShirleyThis news is very encouraging. Glad things are improving steadily for you!
Kimberly, I don’t mind the 3 A.M. pill time as I can go back to sleep. I’m keeping with that schedule so that I take the PTU at different times than my blood pressure medication or other things so they all have their own chance to work. One month from today and I go to the doctor again. Hopefully the news will be positive…my levels are getting better. I never thought this disease had so many "issues" associated with it, but I’m learning a lot. I have a good group of friends at home and at church who are my support team. My faith keeps me going. It will get better. I just have to be patient longer! This board is a good place to vent where people understand. They don’t criticize!
Hi Teacherhelper, I read your post @ the 3AM med, and Kimberly’s response. I tend to agree with her.
I think it depends on if YOU have decided this is a good idea, or if if an evidence based (a very good way to make decisions, by the way) fact. If you have decided that you want to do this, and tell the doc this, they may take the path of least resistance, and say "uh huh." if they think you are happy with it Or, if you ask, they may truthfully tell you what they think/know. Actually, a pharmacist is a much better resource for you, or certainly an additional one. Pt. teaching @ meds, side effects that matter, and drugs that are contra-indicated to take together, and all other facts @ meds are the responsibility of the pharmacist now.
shirleyJust so everyone knows…I am OK with the 3 A.M. pill. I started the PTU after 6 weeks of nothing because of an allergic reaction to Methimazole. When the doctor prescribed the PTU, he stressed the every 8 hours for me. Not thinking when I took the first one is what put me on my schedule, but it’s OK as I have the three set times and I’m looking towards the end result. EGTBOK (Everything’s Going To Be OK!) If I get a lower dose when I go in July, I’ll be more careful in my planning! LOL I just know that things will get better once I get through the tunnel! God is on my side! Thank you all for your concern! This board is great!
i just saw your post, so happy for you!
Thanks, Shirley and Susanne (Susanne, sorry I haven’t answered your PM — I did get your very first message, but not I think the second one….). Stitches came out today and the scar looks great (as great as a scar can look). Really pretty small and already healing well. I can stop eating Tums, too, which is a real bonus (why are the fruit ones so much more palatable and less chalky than the peppermint ones, anyway?). For what it’s worth for anyone thinking about surgery down the road, my surgeon’s office gave me info saying it’s not worth bothering with scar cream, that scar massage with lotion (hand or face) and especially sunscreen are the really important things (I know that regulars on this board already know this).
I now (or rather, soon) am going to have questions about TSH levels and trying to conceive post-thyroidectomy and so forth, but I will post those in a new thread….
Moving forward!
Hi, that is so great!!! Things are going so well for you!!!! I have to convince people that I had a TT, for my incision is so hard to see. Doesn’t matter either way though! YOU ARE DONE! THROUGH WITH SURGERY! Ready to move on! I do hope you have my experience, get to the right levels asap (not that anything related to Graves’ is instant, (: I look forward to you next post, hearing of your thyroid labs and when you are moving toward making a baby!
ShirleyI’m happy to hear that things are really going well. I want to talk to my doctor about my two options. Having the surgery might be a better option for me, but time will tell. Hearing from someone who’s had good results makes decision making easier. At 65, I don’t have to worry about a scar and getting "my man" as I’ve had him for 43 years. LOL I just need to know the options, results and what might work best for me.
I’m now in Wisconsin and in a different time zone. I had to reset my cell phone alarms for an hour earlier. I took my pill last night and went right back to sleep. It’s not a problem.
My next order of business is looking into the possibility of attending the convention in San Diego. I can visit my grandson, son and daughter-in-law as they live in Mission Viejo! Can be good for more than one thing. Hopefully it works out and I’ll be able to meet a few of the facilitators!
Glad your surgery went well. Just to chime on on my TT done Dec 5, 2009. I was a nervous wreck before having it. So freaking worried..upset, scared..you know – hyper. The day of surgery I was putting on the brave face and going for it. My surgeon was terrific. His son was my nurse. Too cool. When I woke up I was HUNGRY. Ate a turkey sandwich within an hour of waking. Took two walks around the hosp floor that day. (Maybe overdid it alittle cuz I did get nauseous) They did blood tests every few hours. My neck was loosely bandaged and when they removed the bandage I looked in the mirror. The surgeon left about 2 inches of the stiches material hanging (yuk). The nurse told me it made it easier for her to remove the stiches. My surgeon said my thyroid looked very normal though alittle enlarged and vascular. Whatever. The next morning my blood tests were fine. My calcium level was good which let us know that the parathyroid glands were ok. I was home by noon. I took my pain meds on time so I have know idea if I was really hurting or not. I did worry about turning my head too fast and ripping my neck open. Looking back that was just silly. The scar healing time was about 3 wks for me. I’m a slow healer. Now the scar is minimal. It looks kind of like the normal crease in my neck. I take replacement hormone and that seems fine. Maybe alittle low but I’ve got the eye issues so we’ve decided to keep it that way till the eyes are settled. OK that’s my story.
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