Hi Sallie,
The "dumping" we talk about usually occurs at about the two-week mark, and for the most part, your body will still be "flushing" thyroid hormone out of your system for about 4-6 weeks, so it’s not likely that anything dramatic will happen right away.
It’s pretty typical to stay on the beta blocker for a while longer, and it’s up to you and your doctor to see how things are going and decide when to wean off. You MUST wean from beta blockers, you can’t go "cold turkey" even if you’re on a very low dose, because stopping abruptly can cause a "rubber band" effect of the symptoms you’re suppressing coming back worse than they were to begin with. It’s not a long process, the weaning, but you need to discuss that with your doctor too.
It’s possible that it’ll be months before you go hypo ~ just get to know the traditional symptoms (some are the same as hyper, go figure), and when you are consistently experiencing 4 or 5 of the symptoms, that’s probably a good time to check in and get labs done. As I say, though, it’ll probably be a while. In addition to that, sometimes we have distorted perception because of having been hyper ~ being more tired than we were while hyper translates to "very tired," yet may not mean you’re hypo. Bottom line though, getting the tests done more often than necessary is not harmful, and it’s worth making sure because it’s important to get started on hormone replacement as soon as you know you’ve gone hypo.
At four days, you may not feel much different at all. Look for tiny, tiny improvements in the way you feel, and celebrate those. You’re closer every minute!
” title=”Very Happy” />
Thanks Ski. Very helpful.
” title=”Smile” />
SallieHi, I feel underinformed and can’t get a call back from my Dr.
I’m not seeking advice here…just want to hear what happened to some after their RAI.
I read some posts that as thyroid dies I might get a surge again. Is that something that happened to any of you right away or was it much longer after RAI? I feel great today (day 4) but am still on atenolol and my lorazepam, so wonder if that is the real reason why I feel good? I don’t think it is possible to feel effects from the radiation to my thyroid in just four days.
THen I read someone say they went hypo after the RAI (not sure how long after) and had to go off their atenolol but my Dr hasn’t said to look out for that…I am on 100mg. I was just in with my Dr a week ago but she never mentioned to watch this. Had I not read this board I wouldn’t even be concerned about it but now I see I need to get an appt. in to find out more. I have an appt in about 4 weeks. Is 4 weeks after the RAI when the Dr usually advises to taper off the atenolol or were any of you warned to do so earlier.? I am going to just show up at the office like I had to do when I had a severe panic attack. This is my Dr not returning calls. Many times now. (She told me to call if I had any concerns or reactions).Sallie
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