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  • ewmb
    Post count: 484

    For those who have gone through RAI or surgery…… When you are trying to titrate to get to the right dose of replacement for you did you have any of the following sensations or issues?

    Muscles feeling like they are very stressed. I am not really exercising yet but am doing more and my muscles hurt and I am having hand tremors again. I feel really sore a lot too.

    I have some days when I feel very "funky". I can’t think of another word for it. It seems like my body is getting some kind of rush of something that makes me feel a little off balance or a little teary eyed etc.. I am thinking it’s hormone related. My BP and pulse seem to go up and down but are still fairly normal. Every once in a while I get a higher pulse than I’d like.

    My big worry is that I may be taking too much replacement hormone and am feeling a little hyper again. I don’t get blood work done for another two weeks.

    My husband reckons since I am on 62.5 mcg I won’t go any more hyper than that would make me per day if I am taking more than I need. Would it build up again in storage= the T4= so that you could go hyper again if you are at the edge?

    Any information would be appreciated.


    Post count: 1324

    Well, since replacement hormone is chemically identical to T4/thyroxin it can make us hyperthyroid if we take too much of it. And, sometimes, when we are in the process of trying to find the right dose of it, we can find that we have been taking too much. The ONLY way to determine accurately whether the dose we are on is the correct one or not, is to take it for about six weeks and have blood tests done. My endo preferred that I wait three months, but would check after six weeks if I thought something was "off." If we take blood tests too soon, we can find ourselves on a hormonal roller coaster. The one time my endo checked before that six weeks had passed, I ended up with too high a dose of replacement and did indeed become hyper again. For whatever reason, it takes time for the body’s feed-back mechanism to accurately reflect the impact of a dose of replacement hormone. I do understand completely how you want to avoid being hyperthyroid. But 62.5 is a reasonably small dose of replacement, not a large one (I’m on 150, just to give you a bit of perspective).

    I also remember, when I was first put on replacement hormone, that I seemed to "feel" it more than I do now, twelve years later. I have had my dose raised without it making me feel jangly. I don’t know whether that’s because I was obsessing about hyper symptoms and actively looking for them, or whether my body was just oh, so tired of thyroid hormone! Whatever. I do hope you are feeling better soon.

    Post count: 181

    100 mcg here…. They told me approx. dose would be 1mcg per 1 lbs of weight… So they gave me 100mcg per my 130 lbs and I’m still on it.

    I do get "funky" feelings now and again, still, but I think it’s something else… Like feminine-related days.

    You must be still very early in the post-RAI period, and it may be that your thyroid is still in the "dying" process…

    Post count: 484

    I have only been on replacement for about 2 and a half months. Only two weeks on the 62.5mcg.I guess it is early days yet. I just really hate that feeling that comes when I get the "old familiar" pangs of something being wrong. I think that maybe you are right about the hormone changes from other things making a difference sometimes. I am possibly going through menopause too so that isn’t helping. LIke just now I had an episode when my BP went up really fast and my pulse was up. I had some caffeine for lunch…… I have really tried not to have any of that in a while. We are also getting a rain storm and I’m exhausted from yesterday’s big project at work. I just wish I could know what the numbers were doing more quickly. I guess if things still feel really off I can call and talk with my endo. I am in the process of losing weight too= 8 pounds of the 25 I put on when I was really hypo on methimazole a year ago.

    Thanks for the good vibes. I hope to be feeling better soon too.


    Post count: 1

    I was diagnosed with Graves 2/08 and had RAI 4/08. I am currently on 125 mcg. I still get those days where I feel "funky". I actually just signed up to this program to find out if others were still having these issues after RAI. I have come to the conclusion after reading many posts about people with these symptoms, it is NOT something else, but a continued process of the disease. It sounds like there are sooooo many doctors out there that just put it off to something else because they really don’t know. I just find it very coincidental that so many of us still suffer with the same issues for it not to be related. I still have HBP when my levels start rising. Once my dose has been adjusted my BP goes to normal and I can come off my BP meds. I still have hand tremors and have just tried to accept I will always have them now. I still have days where I have the sensation that feels like I have a fever, for lack of a better illustration, when I really don’t. I also get very red and blotchy when i am feeling this way. Does any one else?

    I am glad to have found this forum. At least I know I am not alone, and it’s not just my imagination….. Good luck. I hope you are feeling better soon.

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