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  • Bobbi
    Post count: 1324

    First of all, yes, it is possible for there to be fluctuations. Remember, the cause of the problem in the first place was antibody action, which can rise and fall for no well understood reason. So, if there is thyroid tissue left that is viable, fluctuations in antibody levels can cause changing symptoms. The purpose of RAI or surgery is to eliminate enough of the thyroid tissue so that it no longer pushes us into hyperthyroid territory. And, as I understand things, nowadays, the doctors try to kill off most, if not all of the thyroid (ablation), rather than trying for just "enough." But there still can be some thyroid left, especially when you are newly into the process.

    Second, though, is that our bodies let us know when things are "off." Anxiety feelings can be associated with a lot of "off" possibilities. We associate them with hyperthyroid states because that is so very familiar at this point. But it can also be a sign that your levels may be starting to go too low, or simply that your body is signalling that there’s been a big change in the thyroid hormone level. So, you need to pay attention, because it is better to catch hypo conditions early than to let yourself go seriously hypothyroid. (For the most part, we do not go seriously hypothyroid if our doctors are checking us at appropriate times.) If you start to notice constipation, cold intolerance, things like that. Call your doctor and see if you can have some blood work done to determine where you thyroid levels might be. It’s possible to go too soon — which is why our doctors typically make us wait at least five or six weeks. If you check too soon, the TSH levels will not be an appropriate indication. But you are getting to that five week mark, and so if you start detecting signs of hypothyroid, you would want to call your doctor.

    The main thing I can tell you to do right now, is to notice "improvements" rather than look for any abject "normal." Our progress back to health is slow. We need to be at controlled levels of normal thyroid hormone for our bodies to be able to START to heal. We need months AT normal for that healing process to truly bring us back to health. So it is a process, not an instant fix. You are on the way. But it can be discouraging sometimes if you are only looking at the day’s symptoms, rather than looking at improvements over time, however wee.

    Wishing you lots of signs of improvement as the days go on.

    Post count: 42

    Hi everyone – I had RAI for Graves on 2/25. About 1 week ago I started to feel so much better! My heart pounding was much less, my anxiety seemed better, and the overall itching I’d had for months was gone. Then 2 days ago the itching was back and boy do I feel anxious. My heart is pounding so hard. My question is – do you go thru a period of ups and downs after RAI? Can the symptoms get better then come back again, while the thyroid is dying off? I appreciate having this site to share my concerns and get good information.

    Post count: 42

    Thank you Bobbi! I appreciate the feedback and the reinforcement that this disease is a process and that I will always be disappointed if I am looking for an instant fix. Per your suggestion on needing blood work (I am at the 4 week post RAI point), my endo sent me for blood work on Friday 3/25 and has me going for blood work again in 2 weeks, right before my follow up visit. So I think I am getting checked at the appropriate time. And your comment on anxiety is very interesting. Since I have always associated the anxiety with GD, I haven’t considered that it could be a symptom of a change in hormone levels.
    I am still coming to grips with this disease, I just don’t have my mojo like I used to…
    This site is so helpful…it means alot to hear how other people are dealing with GD and especially to hear that people are leading happy healthy lives! I’ve stopped surfing the web (a real bummer), this site is the only place I read about GD.
    Take care everyone!

    Post count: 18

    Hi there

    I logged in today planning on writing a new post regarding Post RAI & getting to hypo stage for those to let others know what’s going on with me. So after reading your post, I decided to reply here as my case is a little similar.

    So I had RAI 21 Jan so 9 weeks on and I have hit hypo stage. My anxiety was really bad for that first month, I was having really bad days and I was trying so hard to be strong about it and kept thinking that I need to control my anxiety myself. I basically had to work out ways to control it on the bus & at meetings and when I thought I overcame it, something would trigger it back (like the bus not having aircon and it’s summer for Australia or being in a meeting and then more people joined in so I felt a bit panicky). Anyways I had to think to myself, you know what, if I get anxious I’m just going to have to leave the meetings (and I did in that above example). And basically I stopped catching the bus too. That actually relieved so much of my stress that it made my days easier.

    Finally, I hit about 6weeks after RAI and I definitely felt stronger and everything started feeling more natural again. I went to my company’s quarterly year talks which is in a big room and there are a lot of people. I figured I probably would have to leave but so be it, if I feel anxiety I would leave. However, it didn’t come to me and there were so many instances when my mind wandered and this is usually when anxiety would come into effect but no it just got pushed away. I finally thought wow this is what it felt like to be "normal" again. It was a great moment!

    So 9 weeks on and I had my appt last Friday and my results showed me being hypo. I started Thyroxine on Sat morning (totally felt like crap because I was so exhausted and it took me hours to recover after eating breakfast), but today is Monday and I’m at work and I’m feeling ok. I think I gained roughly 3kgs but it seems to be more in the face and was noticeable by others (I never had weight loss as a symptom from being hyper but I’m not overweight). So hoping the weight loss will magically disappear on its own now hehe. Endo thinks I should start to feel normal within a week but who knows.

    Another thing is, my anxiety did appear a little bit 2 weeks ago when I went to the Usher concert. I had seats but I think I kept imagining myself in the crowd and that no way would I be able to handle that scenario. Then I kept thinking about this festival concert coming up in April and it’s like standing all day in the heat for 8 hours so I now think I can’t do it and my bro is buying my ticket. So basically I am still a bit jittery and uneasy even though I’m hypo now but it must just all be from the changes in me and I’m just unsure of what’s going to happen.

    To end off, I am really glad I have hit hypo stage so that I can begin this next stage. It is definitely a slow process and a HUGE waiting game but we must be strong and then you do realise the weeks go by and you’re getting there you know. It’s never easy of course, but I am happy to be in this stage right now. Hope this will help others!

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