I had RAI in November of 1996 — the week before Thanksgiving. By the first week of January, I was slightly hypothyroid, and put on replacement hormone. The only medication I was on after RAI was the beta blocker. I lost weight after RAI, probably because I was so sure that I was going to gain, that I started a food log and wrote down everything that passed over the lips. I wanted to be able to prove to my endo that I wasn’t over-indulging. It undoubtedly kept me ruthlessly honest. I went down 18 pounds before gradually starting to regain weight (with returning muscle).
I am pretty much terrfied:(
I am allergic to tapazole, just started PTU but I feel like hives will come with this too. I dread RAI… especially since I am getting marred in june and My dress is already fitted! I wish this all would happen 5 months from now.
Bobbi- what replacement drug were you on?? I have read a lot on syntroid vs armor (t4 and t3)
I had RAI in June 2008 (after two years of ATDs). I started taking Levothyroxine about 8 weeks later (my RAI dose was extremely effective and my thryoid was non-functioning by my check up appt 8 weeks after the RAI). We adjusted my dose a couple months after that and I’ve been "normal" since December 2008. At my appt in Dec 2009, my endo gave me the option of having my GP take over.
I don’t recall gaining or losing weight, so if I did it would only be within 5 pounds either way. Didn’t change my eating habits or anything.
Good luck and keep us posted on how your treatment is going!
I might get RAI soon. I am upset about it..
When did you get it?
Did you gain weight or lose weight? stay the same?
what meds did you go on after?
if you lost of gain weight, how much in what time?THanks!
Graves’ DX in June 2009, had RAI 7mci on 7/20/2009
Gained about 10 pounds but have lost most of it
Levoxyl, started in September(?) 50mcg, currently on 88mcg… still trying to get dosage regulated
Weight- I would say I mostly gained weight because I wasn’t able to run (I’m a runner) when I was hyper… I gained about 5 pounds then, and when I was hypo gained a few more. but then once I started levoxyl and was back to running it came off.I was not too happy about getting RAI either, and terrified about gaining a ton of weight. I had RAI this past June after coming out of a remission period from ATDs. I went hypo only 2 months after RAI and was started on Synthroid 112 about 4 weeks after going hypo. I went slightly hyper on that dose and am now on 100. Before getting RAI I lost about 10lbs, then gained about 15-20lbs over the 2-3 months after RAI. When I was originally on the ATDs a few years back, I had lost over 20lbs from being hyper and then gained 30lbs on the drugs. I think some of the weight issue has to do with not being able to really exercise during these periods, and I’ve noticed I can’t eat quite the same amount as I used to without gaining weight. I feel like trying to lose weight now is an uphill battle. I’m about 10-15lbs heavier than I’d like to be right now but I feel MUCH healthier. I’m on the taller side so I really don’t notice it too much. I’m hoping some of the weight will come off with time but I’d rather be 10lbs heavier and feel good than skinnier and feel sick again, I just like to think that 10 extra pounds is an excellent price for health
” title=”Smile” /> If I ever start to feel bad about the weight, I just try to remind myself of what my body’s been through and that if it needs those 10 extra pounds to function normally, then it can have them.
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