HELP… I need a good referral to a good Doctor in the Phoenix area. I have been told I have Graves but have not seen an Endocrinologist or eye doctor. Any referrals????
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Hello – we ask that members *not* post individual doctor names on this board; however, hopefully, someone in the area will see this post and send you a private message using the following instructions:
You can PM another poster by viewing one of their posts and clicking on their screen name, which appears to the right of the post. Then click “send private message”, which will appear towards the right-hand side of the screen. The system will “ping” whatever e-mail address they used to sign up to let them know that they have a private message waiting. (You have to be logged in to the system in order to view your private messages).
Also, a couple of good referral sites are http://www.aace.com and http://www.thyroid.org. On the AACE site, be sure and select the specialty “thyroid dysfunction.”
The foundation also has a support group in the Phoenix area that meets on a monthly basis, so that is a good opportunity to meet fellow patients. (You will need to use your browser’s "back" button to return to the boards after viewing).
I checked the two websites that Kimberly posted, and they only list three endocrinologists in the entire city of Phoenix. There aren’t enough of them, but I know there are more than that. I was just diagnosed (have yet to actually see my endo yet) but I definitely plan on going to the next support group meeting. It’s coming up on November 12th.
I do suggest you find an endocrinologist as soon as possible, though. Don’t wait for the meeting to make an appointment. I was referred to someone by my primary care physician. When I called to make an appointment, they were booking them in December. I called another clinic listed on my insurance website and they’re booking appointments next year. If your case is severe (like mine is) your doctor may be able to call and get an appointment for you sooner. That’s how I managed to get an appointment next week. My PCP knows the endocrinologist; they’re affiliated with the same hospital.
Hello – Just a quick note that the thyroid.org site is much more specialized, so you will find fewer listings. On the AACE site, there should be about 70+ doctors for the entire state of Arizona, and many of them are in Phoenix. Of course, on the AACE site, you will want to narrow down by the specialty "thyroid dysfunction".
Sounds like you were successful in getting a good referral, though!
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