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  • Bobbi
    Post count: 1324

    We really cannot give you medical advice like that here, Beth. And it would not be in your best interests to take any medical advice from people off the internet, either. It does not help at all that you’ve been given what seems to be contradictory advice from your doctor’s PA and the on call nurse at the endo’s office. I think you are going to have to use your own best judgment here, because you know yourself and your body well enough to decide if you are in a crisis (emergency room) or just "off." (immodium/watch and wait) I know you are scared. Part of the problem undoubtedly is that the hyper levels of thyroid hormone are enhancing your fear, adding to a sense of panic. (Tremors, nervousness, edginess — all those aspects of being hyperthyroid play into any normal fear we have.) I was a jittery mess while hyperthyroid, even without the added concerns that you have right now. It makes it difficult to sort issues like this one out.

    I wish I could be more help, and I do hope you are feeling much better soon.

    Post count: 6

    Thank you Bobbi. I am not running a fever and feeling okay, just tired but going on very little sleep. Going to lay down and rest. I think that is best as I need to keep my stress level down to help my immune system. I am trying not to even think of what the next step will be. Praying for peace and good white blood cells right now.

    Thank you again.


    Post count: 6

    MY WBC has dropped as of this past Wed. to 2.7. I have been taken off of the Methimazole. My last dose was this past Tues. I spent the day on Wed. in the ER with high bp. That is the last labs that were done. The bp med reacted on me. I took the last dose of that on Thurs. morning. I saw the PA at my endo yesterday per the drs instructions. After seeing her and her telling me to start the Methimazole back, I went to the hospital, got all of my records. Took the labs back to her as my WBC had dropped to 3.2 on this past Mon. My endo had his nurse call me on Tues. afternoon and told me labs were fine, up to 30 mg once a day of the Methimazole. I had already taken the Methimazole that day, was in the ER the next so my last dose of the med was Tues. My last labs were Wed. so we don’t know if it has dropped more or is going back up, which is my prayer. I have an appt with the endo on Monday and he will do blood work then she said. I am isloated in my bedroom per instructions.

    The PA told me yesterday after she saw that it had dropped even further on Wed. at the ER to STOP all Methimazole and go to the ER with fever, sore throat, chills, sick, she said you will know it. I woke up this morning with diareah. There is a stomach virus going around in our community and church. My husband called the on call nurse at my endos office. She said it would have to run it’s course, its viral and for him to give me immodium. She told him to call her back if I start running a fever. Should I go to the ER?

    Please help if you can. Thank you.

    Post count: 4294

    Beths49 – As Bobbi said, the decision whether to visit the emergency room is best made between you and someone from your doctor’s office. A below normal WBC isn’t *always* a sign of reaction to the meds. I’ve seen my levels go slightly low a couple of times after my body had gone through a round of fighting cold/sinus issues, and then things returned back to normal. The good news is that if your reduced WBC *is* a reaction to your anti-thyroid drugs, most patients see their WBC levels bounce back to the normal range after discontinuing the meds.

    Still, you will want to be vigilant for symptoms such as a severe sore throat with high fever. That would warrant a call ASAP to your doctors office…and possibly (based on the doc’s advice) an emergency room visit as well.

    Post count: 484

    Immodium will make you stop having the diarrehea which will stop the purpose of having diarreha in the first place. When you get a virus and it reacts through having diarrhea it is expelling the virus that way. The immodium will make it take longer for this virus to run it’s course. Drink plenty of clear liquids with the exception of Coke (cola), you may put it into a cup and take a spoon and take the bubbles out of it to make it flat and drink it. it helps calm the tummy. crackers if you wish to eat something but nothing major and NO dairy at all.

    We usually use the BRAT diet (Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast) During a bout with a stomach virus. Don’t be surprised if you start to throw up. It really depends on the type of virus. It can last up to 14 days so please don’t kid yourself. STay in bed, relax and keep a bucket handy if you need it. Wash your hands every time you use the bathroom, wash the door knobs, toilet handles, light switches and anything else that is shared by someone else so you can try to control the others not getting it.
    Sips of water, or sips of cola are best. Dont guzzle your drink of any kind.
    Chicken soup is ok but sips of it.
    applesauce is good but NO apple juice at all.
    Once you are feeling better, you can a little toast and if that is ok then jelly on it BUT not before finding out if you can hold food down.
    NO dairy at all
    Nothing but clear liquid not even coffee.

    Rest rest rest is the best thing to get rid of this. The longer you dont rest the worse you will get and you will not get rid of it fast enough.

    I can’t talk about the other stuff but I thought that I would give my two cents about the virus. I have had plenty of practice with those!!!! (4 kids!!)

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