Hey ,
Thanks for all your support! Don’t worry I am not stressing about the house (for once I all here you say lol) just all the emotional turmoil!
EWMB I am wondering if you are right about going hypo as I AM FREEZING!!! After many months of lying in bed with as minimal as possible to keep me decent
, 2 tower fans strategically places at either side of my bed (my hubby curled under several blankets
) and eating ice cubes I am now resorting to fleecy pj’s/ socks in bed, duvets/ blankets and hot water bottles! I sit this way as I type again tonight! My hubby had to get me a hot drink last night at 2am he was working and noticed how much I was shivering! I think I am going HYPO with a bang! I remember when I was hypo before I had central heating on high and a fire as well as several layers of clothing! The nursery teacher made a very diplomatic remark that it gets very warm in my little one’s classroom…because I was freezing I was sending him to nursery with jumpers on when all the other kids had T-shirts
Ok a wee question – is this normal after surgery to feel as hypo as this? Yes thats the devil anxiety asking this. I don’t feel ill, my wound is nice and clean so don’t think I have an infection….
Thanks again for all your support! xxxxx
Just thought I would let you know that I am following your progress with all kinds of good thoughts in my heart for you. Lots of prayers and good energy are being sent — You are going through a difficult time be kind to yourself…
All the best
LakeviewThanks Lakeview xx
The swelling in my neck is going down and for the first time today I could look at my neck goiter free!
” title=”Smile” />
” title=”Smile” />
” title=”Smile” /> It was very strange as my neck normally looked like a hammer head shark
” title=”Sad” /> and well now its just back to my normal neck with a little fine scar round the bottom!
” title=”Smile” />
” title=”Smile” />
” title=”Smile” />
Thanks again everyone I hope you don’t get fed up with me always needing reassurance xxx
Hyperm, We are certainly not getting fed up with you needing reassurance, STOP IT!! That’s why we are here for each other (we are BLESSED to have this site) and to hear the reports that your swelling is going down in your neck does my heart good. Hang in there!!
Hi Hyperm! Sounds like you are doing better all the time! I have noticed since I had rai that even after only a few days I was already not so hot anymore. My skin no longer feels hot to the touch, it feels the same as the rest of my family. Last night I actually was COLD. And it’s only been 9 days, so just my thoughts are that yes, you could already feel some different symptoms than your old hyper ones. Hey, are we going to have to start calling you Hypom now? I’m glad you’re feeling better!
I’m so happy to read that your surgery went well and that you are recovering. Hopefully you have a speedy stabilization on replacement thyroid!
Best Wishes,
LaurelHow are you doing now, hyperm? Sorry so long since my last post. I’ve thought about you constantly. Thank God you came through OK, albeit with some problems, putting it mildly!
” title=”Smile” /> The suggestion about your church is worth following up, I think. Maybe those kind ladies can swoop in and help a little!
It IS trite, but try to take one day, one hour, even one minute at a time. This too shall pass.
You probably need to speak with your doctor about the symptoms you’re experiencing, too. As someone else did mention, your low feelings could be related to the surgery, levels, etc…
The kids could be picking up on your mood. Maybe if you can stay calm, they will, too. If all else fails, pray?
Please keep us all up to date. I really miss you and your humor!Hi Paloma,
Thanks so much for a lovely message! That is very sweet of you! I am fairing better thanks – my mum (these mums are so wise eh?) was speaking to her close friend last night who is a retired theatre sister – Margaret knows everything
! She said that all this is normal and it should settle soon! I will tell you a funny story – Mgt is very typical Scots – straight spoken and actually speaks rather fast as she is nervous. Anyway she has a SIL with the exact same name. So she was a the rheumatologist regarding getting a referral for a hip replacement. Anyway, she had seen this man on several occassions but this time he was looking at "her notes" and he said I don’t know why you are here as you don’t even have RA??? If you knew her you would be in kinks when she said " Oh wait a wee minute …let me see those notes (the nursing sister in her speaking lol), and anyway she scanned them while he just sat dumbfounded – no doubt not used to a patient turning the tables…Anyway she said these are not my notes these are my SIL notes… He almost passed out! lol
I am trying to think that I have been ill for so long and the last 8 months were a real trial after the TS so I can’t expect to be well again in a few days …but hey nothing stops me wanting/expecting too after all I am a woman
” title=”Very Happy” /> . Thanks so much for your kind words…its just silly things and my hubby although great will do things like make everyone’s dinner except mine – or leave mine in the pot and I feel really low because I think why can’t you just put that on a nice wee plate and bring it to me – he is a just a typical man I suppose and if I was feeling better well I wouldn’t need to even think about people doing things for me. He is under a tremendous amount of strain and gets really short tempered etc and that all effects my nerves and emotions as I am sure you can imagine.
The other night the babies bottles still hadn’t been made at 12.30 after midnight. So the next day I thought (day after getting home from hospital) I am going to have to get up and do things even though I couldn’t straighten my neck etc.. Anyway I said diplomatically you really need to keep to the routine or else you will be making bottles at that time at night and then you just get more stressed and agitated. I nearly fell off my chair when he said I am keeping to the routine but its so exhausting and hard!
I tell you if I still had a thyroid I know the house would have been up in the air as I wanted to say YES IT IS EXHAUSTING! Why on earth do you think your wife is in her bed at 6.30/7pm every night and that is me getting through a day being ill too! Plus the fact my mum is trying to take the kids during the day to help us at the moment…It really irkes me at times
So I am having to push the routine and last night everything was done for 7pm…well apart from me getting any dinner
” title=”Sad” /> But hey that is life and I can imagine the majority of people are in the same boat and I am just a moany joe
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” title=”Smile” />
” title=”Wink” />
Thanks every one for your prayers…I really need them and I keep thinking about Emily saying that by the end of the year I will hopefully be looking forward to a brighter future with better health! You are right about the kids..my eldest is such an emotional wee chap (wonder who he takes that after) so I lay in bed last night and told him a story about a little boy called Dominic (thats his name) and that he was sad and confused because his mummy wasn’t well and the next moment Jesus was walking next to him and said Dominic put your hand in Mine and I will take care of you. He was like thats a lovely story mummy but I’m not allowed to walk down the road on my own
gosh that was a long one!
Boy, husbands can be so dense. I’ve said many times that I have an awesome, helpful husband – and I do, most of the time. I know this because I hear friends talking about their husbands hardly doing ANYTHING around the house. Mine will do the basic, routine stuff – help with dinner, dishes, kids baths, etc. But can never seem to notice anything extra that needs done. I’ve tried to not clean the bathroom for a while to see if he’ll notice and actually clean it, but it never works. I always break down and clean it because i can’t take it any longer. How can you walk through a room, stepping on toys and kicking them to the side, and not think "maybe I should pick these up?" And where does all the clean laundry come from? I certainly wish it would magically just appear in my drawers too.
” title=”Smile” />
Anyway, he is a super husband and will play with the kids all day long – I always tell him that’s what he does best – he’s really just a big kid. And I tell myself that that is what’s important – the kids won’t remember a clean house, but will remember daddy playing ball with them, blah, blah, blah….usually I can get past it, but sometimes my type A kicks in and I lose it. I decided that my GD is a chance for me to learn how to let things go and play more WITH them.
Do something fun today.
EmilyHI E,
Yeah I know what you mean about bathrooms etc.
” title=”Smile” />
” title=”Wink” /> T is a great hubby and dad and in general is very clean but messy
” title=”Very Happy” /> but there also practicalities when you are unwell and I guess that is where the tension builds up.
” title=”Sad” />
Oh well onwards and upwards…Just need to let the cleaning lady do the bathrooms for just now
Maybe this might be a good time to start a chore list for your eldest and you could include your husband with some smiley faces! My husband and I make lists all the time as our brains are getting older and we forget more often.ewmb
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