Oh wow. Well the important thing is you are home. I wish you a healthy, speedy, safe, recovery:) HUGS AND CHOCOLATES AND FLOWERS:)
SOOOO glad that you are home. No wonder it was giving you such troubles since it was SOOOOO big.
Continued prayers for a speedy recovery.
Glad you made it through alright and are home now. Hope you feel better already.
Thanks for checking in, I’ve been thinking about you! I hope you notice improvements quickly, and your healing goes smoothly!
Hey all,
Well I made it through the op…..
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” title=”Smile” /> Just got home today. Endo said it was the biggest thyroid she has seen in a long time and that it had been growing for longer than we all thought… She was laughing as she said she was cursing as it was so big and she likes small/neat scars so I was in for about 4 and a half hours. I was toxic in surgery so had to go to intensive care afterwards for a wee bit extra TLC…made it through that and then passed out on the commode lol …..very confusing
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” title=”Smile” /> So had a great wee time! Just so typical of me! Nothing goes smoothly!
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Besides all that my calcium levels are great so no probs there. So just go home and wanted to let you all know I am fine and thank you all again for all your support!
Hope everyone is well.
Happy to hear from you! Yay, thyroid free!!!! CONGRATS!
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So glad your home and gentle hugs. Swing park in no time now!!!!!!!
All the best! Take care
” title=”Wink” />
Hey all thanks for all your messages.
I think I am having post op blues? withdrawals etc… I feel really low tonight and last night too. I just feel all the strain of family life and I can do nothing to help. The way they had my dressing I couldn’t straighten my neck etc.. so I have been in torture the last 5 days. Thankfully the nurse came in and removed the dressing but I now so scared my wound will burst open even though I know it won’t but my anxiety is so bad and I am so scared!
My eldest had been staying with my mum since Wed ( thank God for her) but he has come home and I know its all overwhelming for him etc. He is a tad hyper and well the baby is teething and trying to be as mobile as he can and my husband is exhausted and starting to crack
” title=”Sad” /> This is all just too much for me and now that my mum is exhausted we have no one to help. All fair weather friends who say oh I hope you are well etc… I genuinely don’t expect any help but gosh do we really need it just now! I just feel all this has been caused by me and its just yet another burden/ hard time for my little family who have already been through so much because of my ill health. I know it will get better I just need to get through this feeling of being completely overwhelmed
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I have organised for a friend who has her own cleaning business to come in once a week to clean and do some general stuff. My hubby tries but he can’t really cope too well and gets really short tempered and my nerves are on tender hooks
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Sorry to be such a moan and what wold seem as though I don’t appreciate the gift of having my thyroid removed but I just need a lot of hugs tonight and for those of you who have had the op to tell me I will be ok
” title=”Wink” /> Gosh it feels like the 7 day baby blues if you know what I mean?
Thanks for listening to my rant once again xxxxxx
I wonder if you’re experiencing the hypo low mood etc.. that comes from having no more thyroid. Haven’t had the operation but did talk to a girl who had cancer and had hers removed years ago and she likened it to withdrawal from drugs. Said it was hard for her. Hope that you will call some of your friends and ask them to come by and just play with the kids etc.. I’m sure you’ve done favors for folks. Do you belong to a church? You could tell the minister you need help. Even having someone bring in meals so your husband doesn’t have to cook would be great. When I was little my dad had major surgery and had his inner ear removed. He was in the hospital for a long time as he was allergic, massively, to the penicillan that they gave him. He had to learn how to walk all over again etc.. My mom wouldn’t have made it without the food. You know that kids aren’t any fun when they are hungry.Hope that you will let your doctor know about the blues. When can you start on some replacement hormone?
Feel better soon,
Hugs for hyperm!
” title=”Smile” /> Sounds like you’ve got your hands full. But also that you’re organized and have done some planning, good job on that. Hang in there, better days ahead!
Hi ewbe
I never thought about that at all! You could be right! I have been so aggitated for so long perhaps this is the come down. I started thyroxine on the Friday 750…
You are most likely right, that a combination of having a big op, being very anxious before and after and just the usual things that little old annoying me worries about but shouldn’t!I do belong to a church but people have their own health problems/big families etc..
” title=”Wink” /> I had a good long chat with my wee mum and well I feel more settled. I don’t respond very well to medication I always have side effects so think the aneasthetic withdrawal isn’t helping also I know I have mentioned this before on here but they were injecting me with diazepam here there and everywhere and I always feel edgy coming off that or in my case just now lowering the dose! But the hypo thing is most interesting! Will read up on that in a few days if things don’t settle! I know that I was still toxic at the time of surgery but my surgeon decided to go ahead or else it could have been sometime before I would come back into a safe range so like you say my hormones could be all over the place plus the fact I DID take my period the day after the op – great fun eh??
However, on a positive note my highlight after all the problems after surgery was on day 4 when after monitors hooked everywhere keeping an eye on my little over active ticker….my pulse went down to 85!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooo and indeed hoooo! That was my moment of celebration! I haven’t had a HB that steady and slow in 8 months!
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Thanks again…. I really appreciate it I don’t know what I would do without you all! xxx
M –
Give yourself a break – you’ve got a LOT going on right now. Really, just take care of the necessities – yourself and your families BASIC needs. You’re not going to feel this way forever. It’s only going to get better from now. So just muddle through each day and a week from now, I’m sure you’ll notice improvements in how you feel, energy level, etc. On my bad days, I sometimes look back at my very firsts posts here to remember how far I’ve come.Thanking of you and wishing you well.
EmilyGlad you’re doing well – give yourself lots and lots and lots of time to recover, both physically and emotionally. I’ve had a few different surgeries and always feel somewhat "weird" emotionally afterward. Your body doesn’t like that someone’s cut into it and taken something away! Be kind to yourself – your body was sick for a long time and will take a long time to heal. I tell myself that every day! I can’t believe my surgery was almost 3 months back…
Good healing to you!
Hello hyperm…hang in there gf, you just went through major surgery!! I agree, you need to give yourself a break…stop worrying about the small things and be grateful you are thyroid free and on the way to better health my friend!! Baby steps, remember, you can’t eat an elephant in one day and I think sometimes, that’s what we expect. Patience my dear…
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