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  • JEH
    Post count: 33

    So there are two symptoms I have been dealing with since even before I was diagnosed with GD. The PN causes my feet to ache and burn, especially at night if I have bedcovers on top of them. My endo checked me for diabetes and had nerve conduction tests run which showed nerve damage at lower legs and feet, but since I’m not diabetic, he had no other suggestion. So I just put up with it.

    The leg cramps are spotty–only happening occasionally. But when one hits, it’s like my entire leg is being cranked in a vice. I walk around for up to 15-20 minutes sometimes before it goes back to normal and its very painful. Does anyone else experience these symptoms?

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I do know of one other patient who experienced peripheral neuropathy at the onset of Graves’, but I don’t know if the two issues are related. Here is some info on treatment options from the Mayo Clinic:

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    As for cramps, I’ve definitely heard of patients experiencing this when hyper or hypo. You mentioned in another post that you were going to try and get a more robust set of tests run than TSH – perhaps that will shed some light on what is going on.

    Take care!

    Post count: 68

    JEH, i never thought burning feet and graves go together.i get that occasionally.the tips of my toes will burn like somebody roughed them up with sandpaper and i dont like anything touching them.but it goes away after a couple of days.for the leg cramps i usually eat a banana every day and stretch my toes upward while standing.hope it helps you. connypie

    Post count: 33

    Thanks, Kimberly. I haven’t been back to the forum for awhile. I had an A1C at 6.0 in May and have been working hard to find a doc to help me with this. I finally got an appt with my primary for 7/14 and an endo here in my new location around the end of September. I will see my original endo in early August for my regular thyroid appt several hundred miles from where I live now. Between the three of them I hope to get some help–the last thing I need are complications from blood sugar problems although I hear that it is not that unusual to have the two conditions in tandem since they are both metabolic at some level.

    Some of the literature I have read talks about excess thyroid hormone causing excess glucose. I started in on Synthroid again last August and almost immediately my glucose readings starting increasing. At this point I don’t know if there’s a connection or if it’s a simple coincidence.

    Getting old is not for sissies.


    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I don’t know if there is a direct causation with increased thyroid hormone and elevated glucose, but if thyroid levels aren’t balanced, it *can* be more difficult to get glucose under control. This is an interesting piece from a doc at the Cleveland Clinic:

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    Post count: 18


    Please post back here if you ever resolve this. I have had exactly the same problems you describe.
    It started 17 years ago, right after I had RAI for Graves. Nobody can understand how debilitating or life changing this is, nor do any doctors seem to be at all interested in getting me any relief.
    All I’ve ever heard was “to lose weight and exercise”. Can’t exercise at all any more because of the pain, so, of course, I’m not going to lose much weight.

    Good luck. Keep us updated. :)

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