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  • Kimberly
    Post count: 4294

    Hi Shirley –

    For the conference registration, if you go to the home page at, you will see the huge section with info on the conference. Scroll down below the pictures, and you will see wording that says "For more information, CLICK HERE." When you click on that link, then scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will see options to call the office to register or to print out a registration form that you can complete and mail in with your payment. There is also an option for online registration (To register online, CLICK HERE). I think that the online registration option is new, so it might not have been there when you visited the site earlier.

    There is also a # to call the hotel, mention you are registering for the Graves’ Patient Conference.

    Looking forward to seeing you in October!


    Post count: 4294

    Oh, and one other important issue. When you receive your registration confirmation via e-mail, the message references the Carlsbad Sheraton, which is where the conference was in 2008. The Bahia Resort Hotel is the correct hotel for this year’s conference. I have a message in to the office, so this will hopefully be addressed soon.

    Post count: 1909

    1. I went to the site for Bahia Hotel, but could not figure out how to register, specifying the conference. Guess I will call them.
    2. I cannot locate the registration form to register for the conference on this site. I saw one notice from Peter with the dates, but I don’t see what to click to get the form.

    What is MY problem? Can there be another msg. to all of us regarding this?

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