I don’t know what to say exactly, just wanted to say I hear ya, girlfriend. It’s quite possible you’re just coming to terms with the reality of it all ~ but hopefully you’re on the way to feeling well more often than not at this point.
You know where to come to get a little encouragement, that’s for sure! I know mine won’t be the only response you see.
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Smile and your body will think you’re happy. Weird, but true!
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Hi all
Anyone else just feel completely overwhelmed at times by this condition? Recently I have been feeling it more so. Not as before where my emotions where running along side my hyper results. I think I thought that after the op I would be on my road to recovery but yet I am more hypo than they had planned for me to be, my hair is falling out in lumps (again but obviously through being hypo), I am so fatigued, my limbs/muscles ache, the weight gain is depressing but not the most important factor here. I am more so worried about my eyes. I am really scared about my eyes and I could run away with the overwhelming fear of needing treatment for them.
I just feel after 4 years of being really unwell the near death experience with the TS that I need a break from it all. I need to stay focused I know – that I am alive and have 2 beautiful boys but oh my do I feel completely out of control (could go into the whole OT jargon about locus of evaluations etc.. lol) and scared as to what else lies in store for me with this condition. It seems that those around me who have this condition or been for the op didn’t have all this and there are times I think well why me?
I am thankful that i don’t have cancer or MS or such the likes but I just need to speak with people who know where I am coming from and that its not that I am not thankful or trying to stay focused. I just feel so tired and I wanted to call my GP today and say look I can’t do this anymore.
I also have had horrible feelings while at work when I look at some of my elderly patients and I think oh no I don’t want any of this to happen to me. Do you think its just everything catching up on me and the realisation that this condition isn’t going to go away and that I need to sucombe to life with ill health?
Sorry so many questions which most likely don’t have answers – I know, just needed a comfy place to come and try and breathe xxxx
One of the blessings for me of having Graves is that I am grateful for every single moment of good health that I now have. No, it is not "perfect" health: I’m not that much of a Pollyanna. If I sit down and look at the negative things, I could make a list. I don’t. Because I am healthy again and there is a long list of positive things, things that are so very much better than when I was so dreadfully sick with too much thyroid hormone.
You are still in the thick of things. You haven’t quite come out the other end of the dark tunnel that is illness. But you will if you keep focussing on what you need to do to regain your health. There are steps you can take to regain your health. You can start exercising wisely, if your doctor has cleared you for it. DRAG yourself out if you’ve been cleared to exercise, and slowly start working at regaining strength. Walks are a wonderful way to clear your head of negative thoughts, and start regaining strength. Make sure you are not overdoing for your current level of health. In other words, prioritize and pace yourself.
Don’t let yourself fret about things over which you have no control. It’s pointless. You can either do something about an issue, or you cannot. Trust me when I tell you that it is a true blessing to know when there’s nothing you can do. It takes a load of pressure off. I said the Serenity Prayer a lot while I was recovering from Graves.
You CAN make sure you are getting really good nutrition. You CAN start an exercise program. You CAN prioritize the important "musts" in your life and discard any relatively unimportant "shoulds."
And, most importantly, you CAN laugh and enjoy things again. Sometimes we have to manufacture the laughter for ourselves: When I would start feeling myself going into the "pity pot", I would put a comedy on the TV. I had a small collection of movies that I watched over and over and over again, because they were guaranteed to make me laugh. And when I laughed, I always (even at the lowest points) felt better. Feeling "better" is so very important. If we only focus on what is worse than it used to be, we drag ourselves down a bit more. When we recognize we feel "better" it gives a lift to our spirits.
Jake used to end many of his posts to this board with this phrase: "I have Graves, and life is good." Yes, it is.
Know what you mean about the overwhelming feeling. I too want all the bad things to go away and start feeling so much better than I do. I pushed myself yesterday and am feeling the affects of it today but yesterday was good in that I was able to do so many things. I sometimes think we should have a meter that can recognize the Graves things and let us know if what we are feeling is from something else. It would be so helpful but isn’t realistic. I know that the colder winter weather isn’t helping me either. I have two full spectrum lights in my office that really help me since I don’t have a window. Do you have those in UK? My niece has what they call Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD here in the US. She uses these lights to help her wake up and get going in the morning. Did you ever get your Vit D. tested? I am working on the good nutrition too but it’s hard with such a busy schedule sometimes to even get to the store.Hope that tomorrow is a better day for you.
HI all,
Ski I think you are right that reality is settling in with regards to there is no greener grass lol.
Bobbi I can appreciate what you are saying and the importance ofnutrition is so true but for me no life is not good at the moment having Graves in fact it is down right awful! I have 2 small children who need an active mother who can care for them and not always be pushing through the day with fatigue and ill health. Its very depressing even for me who is normally a get up and go sort of person. I think thats when you know the difference between those (like my sister and neighbour) who are fairing better with GD post op and those who are having a real battle with TSH levels and TED etc… My sister is completely baffled by my recovery compared to hers and my neighbour is the same. They were feeling great after the op and had nothing like what is happening with my TSH, hair loss, eyes etc.. So they can say well yes life is good with Graves because they feel relatively well. I have had 4 years of illness with 2 being really bad and the last year being life threatening and toxic at the time or surgery etc… I agree that a positive attitude is very important but I think acceptance has to come into play and with the grief for what was and what may have been to a respect. Otherwise I laugh with my children I get excited about Christmas etc… but it drains me as I don’t have the physical strength to back it all up and like ewmb states you have one good day and are knocked out the next. Thanks for your reply they are always really informative
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ewmb I can appreciate what you are saying with regards to over doing it. I am back at work and to be honest I am taking panic attacks etc and can feel my joints all sore and very fatigued. I am only working 2 days but I think I am pushing to manage those days and then am recovering the rest of the week –
gosh what are we like eh? Yeah I have heard of SAD thats a shame about your relative.. My job is community based so I am out and about although in the UK I doubt there is much sun. The GPs over here aren’t keen on testing for Vit D etc… downfall of the NHS i’m afraid. I have been walking my eldest to nursery and I kid you not pushing the buggy and walking up hill with him at my side is a real killer my legs just want to fold under me
I am just taking deep breaths and trying to stay focused… I am through the worst with regards to being hyper is concerned – that is a goner HURRAYYYYY! Now I just need to try and stay focused but boy is it draining to be made aware constantly by your own body about your limitations..
Oh well onwards and upwards xxxxxx
Hang in there.
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I know were your at. Just had RAI last week and the goiter on the side of my neck has swelled up so much and is sore and you can actually see it!! My head is killing me and I have been in a terrible mood with everyone. I just want to ball up and cry…but I can’t do that because my eyes hurt!!!! lolololol
Okay…that felt good to vent with you!!
You and I are very blessed! We have beautiful children and you are right..it could be worse. My grandmother had graves disease and later had thyroid cancer……that was horrible to watch…how they treated her with tons of radiation…very sad. She had the worst case.
You and I have an even better chance at getting through. We have medicine and don’t have to fight the ugly disease of cancer!!
Give yourself a little more time……hang in there….it is darkest before dawn. That is really true. Sometimes it feels like God is not with us…but He is…and His timing is the best. I will be praying for you tonight and everytime you come to mind. Hang in there….life will get better.As for the weight gain..I would just remember that feeling of when you are pregnant and you know that there is nothing you can do about your weight. You know that feeling…like you would love to be smaller..but you have to be bigger to grow a healthy baby. Then when you walk around the mall you get really depressed because clothes look so cute..but you can’t wear them because your pregnant. Just imagine that your giving birth to a new life..that God is getting ready to get all your levels corrected and on a perfect dose…and that you are getting ready to have a new life that has been waiting for you. The weight will come off soon! I believe that good things come to those who are patient. Your just having birth pains to your new life that God is giving you. Hang in there….good things are getting ready to happen in your life:)
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