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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    No harm in having your levels tested, especially with those symptoms. The test is relatively cheap, and if it’s true that you have Graves’, treatment sooner than later could improve your outcome a lot. If it’s NOT Graves’, I’d keep pursuing it to find out what it really IS, because those are not symptoms you should be experiencing. Someone needs to focus on the root cause for you.

    Post count: 222

    Yeah, agree with Ski you can easily get your thyroid levels checked out- better safe than sorry. I wouldn’t think those symptoms are normal and you do need to find out what’s up, whether it’s Graves’ or something else. Good luck and keep us posted.

    Post count: 1

    Hello everyone!
    I’m new to the site but have some questions that you may be able to answer for me before I see my doc. My mother has been living with Graves'(hyper) for over 20 years and always suggest that I get tested every so often. But as of late (within the last three years), I’ve been having terrible night sweats, weird rashes, chronic dry eye, stomach issues and I shed hair like a German shepherd. I will be turning 30 in a few weeks and want to know is this normal or all symptoms of something more serious? I was tested for Graves 2 years ago as I was pregnant & OB thought it wise to do so. Should I have another test done for my yearly visit?

    Post count: 398

    Here is one more vote in favor of getting your levels checked. You have the genetic predisposition (one first-degree relative with Graves’) and some pretty interesting symptoms.

    I have three daughters, and the one thing I ask of them is to remind their doctor to check their thyroid levels at their yearly checkups. And no: "Things are all within normal limits". I want the numbers. They get them for me, and then I can rest fairly easy–till the next time.

    Take care,

    Post count: 484

    My mother didn’t have Graves’ disease but she thought my whole life that I had something wrong with my thyroid. Although tests showed nothing wrong I was still more hyper than usual. No ADD or ADHD or anything like that just more hyper than the average kid!

    I was 26 and had the Flu and that Flu is what started my Graves’ disease to come out of it’s hiding place and finally say YES your mom was right this whole time you have it and it’s here and now you have to try to get rid of me.

    My mother is 54 and when she was 52 she was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.

    My oldest boy is 14 1/2 and I have had him tested at age 8 years old and he just recently was tested again this year. My other 3 children will also be tested. My oldest daughter who is 5 years old will be tested next month at her annual since she is quite large for her age and eats a lot and doesn’t gain weight and never is satisfied with what she eats. Her appetite is HUGE. Might just be her but we want to make sure.

    I am all for you getting tested and since your mom had it you should be tested on a routine basis every year during your annual visit. They don’t usually do it but tell them you would like it done. Graves’ disease can hit at any time and you have a child you need to take care of so NO THIS ISN"T PARANOID thinking, you are right in getting tested and be tested every year. Since you have symptoms, you should go get a test done asap. If you have it then you can fix. You can’t fix anything UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS. ONCE YOU KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS YOU CAN KICK IT’S BUTT!!!!!

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