belldandy – Those are all side effects. Talk to your doctor and don’t go off without them instructing you on that first. Going off cold turkey can through your own adrenals into havoc and that can be very serious. Let us know. Cathy
I’m going to give him a call tomorrow a.m. I start my "taper down" dose this week, so maybe the initial high dose is what’s making me insane.
The acne is just the worst. Seems like a new pimple pops up every hour. It’s been so many years since I’ve had to deal with this, I don’t even know what products to use. My face is typically normal, with a tad of oiliness on the T-Zone. When I was in high school, there were a lot of products on the market that derms no longer recommend, such as toners with alcohol. I am way too old for this …!
I’ve also started eating sugar/carb-y foods. I crave them, and it is not easy to sit on my hands and be good … I get cranky.
Sorry to rant. I have had a tough weekend. I don’t feel as though I’ve gotten any R & R, and work is stressful enough. I’m going to defrost my chicken lasagna now and get over myself.
Belldandy – I bet. The benzoyl peroxides are good drugs and you can purchase them OTC in a variety of products. On the sugars – corticosteriods can raise blood sugar and create diabetes like symptoms. I would say to try to go with complex carbs or fruit sugars (eat fruit) vs candy. Similar to what we tell diabetics. Sounds like you are weaning down so this won’t be with you forever.
I was just thinking how grumpy my high cholesterol (same now as when I was hypo – but I am slightly hyper, so it should have come down some) and migraines are making me. That are reading volumes in my pharm book and having a spell of cold weather – time to go enjoy a walk (at least there is sun today) and buy a few groceries. Maybe I can find a fun low cholesterol reciepe book. I honestly do not eat a high fat diet. Two of my meds (a thiazide diuretic for calcuim levels and my remeron for bouncing moods) can increase cholesterol. I honestly think it is a combo of genetics and drug side effects and reading too much (too little exercise). It is sure easy to get grumpy when we don’t know how to change these things ” title=”Very Happy” /> And when I am a little hyper again – makes me so mellow about frustrations – NOT!!! Good luck – I hear you!
Heh. I’m going to go for a run … a very LONG run, during which time I can jot by the drugstore. I’ve been doubling my distance this week. Working this stuff out of my system seems to be the only way to get my mind to shut off.
I’m typically not a "bad" eater … I let myself have a few desserts during the week, and then there’s "chocolate croissant" morning on Fridays (a treat to myself for getting through the week). Eating well has been a major challenge for me after GD. Because I’m a weight loser rather than a weight gainer, it’s tempting to shovel anything I want into my mouth and not worry. BUT … eventually, I’m going to go hypo, and I need to be prepared for that. Getting into the habit of eating cupcakes, cookies, etc. at will is not a good idea for any of us, all weight issues aside.
But … I still want a chocolate chip cookie right now. Three would be even better.
Just an update for those of you who missed my previous post. I’m taking a round of Prednisone for <i>very</i> mild TED. Now I’m wondering if this was such a good idea. The side-effects of this stuff are finally kicking in, and they are not good. In fact, a lot of them make me feel like I’m in the "hyper" range, even though my recent levels are … yup! Again, quite normal. Here are some of my daily "treats:"
* Feeling "amped"/wired, as though I’ve drank way too much caffeine; sometimes my jaw clamps shut. I feel like a wind-up doll. Try sitting still on this stuff. You won’t be able to.
* Takes an hour to fall asleep at night. I used to fall asleep within a couple of minutes of my head hitting the pillow.
* Caffeine intolerance. The littlest bit will send me into a panic attack; I haven’t had one of those since I was Graves active.
* PIMPLES. Oh boy, this is the fun one. My face is breaking out like it did in high school; visible whiteheads. I’m going to have to hunt the "acne product" aisles of Walgreens, because my face is a big oil slick.
* Weight loss. The doc told me to expect weight gain. I don’t know what he’s talking about. I’ve dropped another two pounds in one week, and it shows.
* Very bad, pervasive gas. (Sorry, needs to be said, if you work in an office environment.)
* Chronic thirst/frequent urination. Another pleasure that cuts into my workday.
* Easy bruising. The doc didn’t mention this to me at all. I’m a hobby boxer, so some bruises are to be expected, but not the ones I get just from lightly tapping into a hard surface. I have bruises in strange places of my body, too — inner arms, back of arms, etc. My legs are the worst.
* Lollypop head. Oh, don’t ask. While everything else seems to be depuffing, my face is turning into a full moon.
I like being able to breathe easier (have chronic allergy-related sinusitis), and I like the fact that my eyelids no longer feel "weighted down," and of course not having sleep apnea anymore is really the best part … but is it really worth it? I’m beginning to wonder if this was worth the trade-off. Can I go off of this stuff now, midstream? The thought of four more weeks of this is intolerable.
Austin, TXWell, well – Just my luck. I am walking on the walking path and pass my PCP jogging with her baby and hubby (also a doc) – I pass them both directions. I like her a lot. It is just my profile looks like I am binge eating – stress, intermittent depression and a jump in cholesterol – plus school (less exercise). But honestly – I can say I have binge eaten some this semester (last 2 mos) but for the year as a whole, I am eating at home more and I prefer a pretty low fat fare. And I have busted my rear getting 10,000 steps a day – in snow storms, I have danced in my living room. As for the depression – I have never had to be on antidepressants more than the 6 weeks it takes them to kick in – but as soon as I think I will wean off, boom – I swung the other direction with the thyroid. I am really working hard of my health – my labs just don’t show it. I think I will make another apt with my endo to talk about the course of action with the osteoporosis and Graves – might be better than phone. And I want a referral to a dietitian because if I am screwing up – I have no idea where – other than the last 2 months. I am pretty educated about this.
Enjoy the cookie – I have fresh apples! And some great frozen berries for dessert at night. C
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