Hi everyone…just got my bloodwork back from the endo today and I am officly hypo (FT=.4 and TSH =41.6). Endo is starting me on 75 mcg Synthroid tomorrow. No more betablockers. Interesting, because I actually feel pretty good and have felt more energy (I even went to a movie on a worknight this week!!) Based on your input, I did see the neuro-opthamologist last week (I have alot of eye puffiness and dryness) – she said my vision fields have not changed at all, the muscles look great and everything is normal. She also said that the puffiness should get better as the thyroid stabilizes. Warm compresses really help, and I did get some of the Oil of Olay eye cream someone on the board here had recommended, which is very soothing.
So I feel like I have crossed a major milestone here – I am past the point of being overwhelmed and angry with the universe about getting GD, I feel very grateful that I have family , friends and coworkers who have been so loving and supportive (I went to a 3 day work week with full support from my boss). In many ways this has taught me wonderful lessons about accepting love and and that it is OK to be vulnerable. I used to be Super woman. No more.
Now if the next phase can be as smooth as the woman who posted earlier today who has been given the go ahead to get pregnant! I , like she has, have stopped looking on the Internet and only look at this forum. You all have been so helpful. Like Betty Davis said (and I paraphrase shamelessly), "Hang on, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride".Yay!!
” title=”Very Happy” /> One more step along the road, another step closer to health ~ relieving the hyper symptoms takes away so much anxiety and difficulty, I’m not surprised that you weren’t feeling "awful." One caveat: some of that hypo feeling may catch up with you now, even though you’ve started on replacement hormone. It’ll resolve pretty quickly. Just follow your doctor’s instructions and you’ll take even more steps toward health.
Keep on being kind to yourself, because you’re not done yet ~ what a great lesson to learn, to accept help and love and support from everyone around you, and to take off that SuperWoman cape ~ such a relief!!
So glad to see happy stories, thank you!!
” title=”Very Happy” />
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