Just wanted to update on my od surgeries. I had the surgery on my left eye done Dec. 21st, 2012 was originally at 26 mm and am now down to 23 mm. Numbness on this side is slowly coming back as it now tingles when it is touched! Swelling is also basically gone and there is minimal double vision but as day progresses and I get tired it does get a little worse.
My right eye was done Feb. 15th,2013 and was at 27 mm. We have not yet remeasured it as we are still waiting for the swelling to come down a little more. Face is still numb on this side, but I guess to be somewhat expected. Double vision is a little worse in this eye and I find that by early evening I need to put a patch over it to be able only one tv instead of 2 lol!
I have my consultation appt. Wednesday to have the strombisis (sp?) surgery to correct my vision. They of course want to wait until the majority of the swelling has gone done. After we do this surgery than we will have to do the upper eyelid skingraft so my eyes will close all the way again. 2 surgeries down 2 more to go… All will be worth it in the end though.
I am hoping once all is over to either not need glasses again or at least for once be able to have the chance to wear contacts and show off my new beautiful very expensive eyes!!!!
I’m praying that you continue to recover well. Has your specialist mentioned whether or not your eyes will continue to go down? My eyes are 26/27 also and I am hoping that I can get back to at least 22 but I realize I may just be dreaming.
I’m surprised yet very happy to hear that your swelling is going down so quickly since one specialist told me that it could/would take up to 2 yrs for the swelling to go down:o.
Wishing you a speedy recovery:)
Glad to hear everything is progressing mostly well. As you know, I still have facial numbness on the right side six months later. It’s frustrating.
As for your glasses comment, OD does not improve or worsen vision (aside from double vision). Unless you mean you’re just sick of wearing your glasses post-op. I was, too! Fortunately I could wear contacts again after three weeks but had to switch to dailies do to dryness since surgery, but eyelid lowering surgery should relieve that somewhat.
Thanks for checking in! The next step is called strabismus surgery…definitely keep us posted after you’ve had the consultation! You might also check Shirley’s older posts (snelsen), as she was very pleased with the results of this procedure.
Take care!
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