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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have had a sore throat for a couple days now and feel like I am about to come down with a cold. I just happened to look at some cold meds I have taken in the past and looked at the warning stuff for the first time in my life, and….well….*do not take if you have thyroid disease* is a part of it. :(
    I spoke with the pharmacist and he said the only thing I could take then were cloraseptics. That’s what I am doing, but they do a number on my stomach like hard candy does.
    Any ideas about this one?

    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Maria. I think it depends upon where you are in treatment (are you still hyperthyroid?), and which treatment you are using (did you zap your thyroid or are you on meds?), whether the OTC cold meds are appropriate for you or not. Call your doctor and check — the pharmacist isn’t going to know your specific medical situation, but your doctor will. I no longer have to watch those warning lables, but you might.

    Bobbi — NGDF Asst. Online Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    Actually Bobbi, I think I am hypo. I have been running on adrenalin with all the travelling and excitement lately. I am positive that my immune system is worn down with the amount of stress I put it through in the last 2 weeks although I was soooo tired..and it’s just yelling at me, “SLOW DOWN!”
    I do have a blood test later this week and I see my endo on the 14th.
    As for what I did, I had RAI done last end of April-early May so it has been a while. (Gee, I can’t believe it’s almost been a year!)
    However, ever since we lowered my levoxyl from 80mcg to 50mcg I have gained a lot of weight so I am hoping that this next blood test will reveal I am hypo so we can raise the dosage again.
    I really need a decongestant and steaming etc., isn’t helping very much.
    Sore throat is better but sinus pressure is worse.
    *Moan, whine, complain, cough, honk….*
    There..I’m done hehehe :)

    Post count: 93172

    I, too, have the same symptoms. However, the GP was going to give me sutafed and I had to remind her about the GD. She stepped out and came back and said, opps, you can’t have that nor ANYTHING else. My cold and minor sore throat lasted about one and a half weeks. I’m over it.

    Good luck.

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