I think what impressed me most about the NYTimes piece was that they covered a broad range of perspectives and varied experiences from the patients interviewed. I think it shows that Thyroid disease is very treatable, but it isn’t always a one size fits all solution for everyone.
It was great to meet two of our facilitators ‘up close and personal’
” title=”Smile” /> Both of you did a great job of enlightening the public about how Graves’ impacts those who have it. I find that not many people know much about it. I have to admit that even though my Mom had it (1994), I did not educate myself even then as to the implications of the disease. Like everyone else, assumed it was a ‘thyroid problem’ and that once she had been treated for that, she was cured. She is still living (89 yo) and takes thyroid hormone every day, since she had RAI (I am on ATD’s). She has led a pretty normal life since treatment, but currently her doctor is having some difficulty sorting out symptoms of what could be over-dosage on her thyroid hormone or the congestive heart failure she has. She no longer sees an enodcrinologist. I have been thinking she needs to see one again perhaps, though I am not the one that can make that decision. Anyway, before I get too far off topic–good job, guys!
JoyThe New York Times has posted a piece on thyroid disease in their Health section! You’ll see patients describing their involvement with thyroid disease (Graves’ and Hashimoto’s), as well as one piece that speaks to thyroid disease during pregnancy. Each audio clip is about 2 minutes long, accompanied by 4 or 5 still pictures that each have their own captions, expanding on the narrative. [Side note: pay no attention to the junk in my house!!!!
Click this link to watch:
http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/05/13/health/TE_thyroid.htmlYou’ll see me (Ski) [and you’ll learn my real name!], James [our fabulous Canadian facilitator], and one of our speakers at the last conference, Antonio (A&R) Richardson, as well as three other patients, talking about their experiences with thyroid disease. (Note the GDF jersey on the badminton player!)
” title=”Very Happy” />
It’s great to see Graves’ Disease getting some press, we hope that this piece helps educate patients, family members and physicians.
It was good to hear the voices behind the people. I think that this may make this real for some who doubted that this can really affect their lives/health. There are many ways to deal with Graves but you have to deal with it, not let it take you.
Thank all of you who contributed to this piece. Really great teaching moment! Wish they would have a similar feature on TED! This is a marvelous gesture, Ski and James, and the others, again, thank you so much!
ShirleyThis piece was really nicely done. Thanks to Ski, James, and all who participated!
It’s tough to get press coverage for Graves’ Disease, as it’s not perceived as a "sensational" type of news story. However, last I checked, 100 comments had been left on the NY Times web site about this topic…so it is clearly close to many people’s hearts!
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