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  • marshlakemom
    Post count: 17

    Hi All

    I’m experiencing a lot of numbness around my mouth and tight jaw….also numbness in my hands. Is this an issue connected with hyperthyroidism.


    Post count: 199

    I haven’t seen anything in writing about it…but I experienced a similar feeling when I ws first diagnosed. Before my diagnosis my lips and cheeks would go numb for short periods of time – not often, but enough to freak me out. I ws worried about something neurological. After awhile on methimazole, this went away. Occasionally, my fingers tingled as well. Like I said, I don’t know for sure – but being hyper does so many weird things to your body.

    Are you on meds? I don’t remember.


    Post count: 398

    Have you been treated? On medication? What does your doctor say? How long has this been going on?

    If it disconcerting to you, get it checked out. Sometimes, just knowing that something is, or is not, related to Graves’ gives us peace of mind. Sorry I don’t have more info for you.

    Take care,

    Post count: 435


    I often would get numbness in my hands when I was hyper… Tightness around the jaw etc… is always worth a trip to GP to get it checked out especially if you are hyper and your BP etc.. is still on the high side.

    Please let us know how you get on xxx

    Post count: 17

    Thanks everyone for your responses. Yes, I will def. bring it to my doctors attention next week when I go in for the results of my first blood draw since RAI 3 1/2 weeks ago.

    Will let you know.

    p.s. Since on the beta blockers, my bp has gone down to the low side of the bp scale. Not sure if that is the beta blocker or me heading into hypo state.


    Post count: 17

    Hi All

    Well I got my first blood draw results today since my radiation treatment four weeks ago, and I’m still in the hyperthyroid state. Blood pressure has been good since on the beta blockers. Doc did say some of my scores went down, so that’s good.

    I have another blood draw on September 17th, see what happens then. I’m wondering how long I will have to be on these beta blockers and how long it will take for my thyroid to go hypo so I can start on the meds. I’m gaining weight like crazy…..and hate it. Nothing is fitting anymore.

    I’m glad the manic as I call it state is over, man that 2-3 weeks out of RAI was a nightmare for me and my family. That was not a good thing.

    My jaw tightening is still there ever so lightly, in fact forgot to mention it to the doctor today. But all day I’m having pain on the roof of my mouth, pain when I swallow and quite painful if I put my fingers on it and press. Any comments on this one ???

    All’s well otherwise, tired as usual, but taking imovane for sleep with is a god’s send for me.

    We go to Alaska this weekend to pull boat for the season, winterize it and put it away.


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