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  • TerrieC
    Post count: 9

    I am having a hard time understanding my hyperthyroidism.I have been on Methimazole since December 27, 2012. I was diagnosed with early graves on December 21st. On January 17th, I got good reports from my Dr. that my levels are starting to line out, however I still have the anxiety, tremors and the night sweats.

    Can anyone give me some insite to what may be going on?

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – methimazole starts working right away to block production of *new* thyroid hormone, but you might feel symptomatic until your body burns off its existing stores of excess thyroid hormone, which can typically take a few weeks.

    It might give you some additional insight to request hard copies of your labs at each visit and compare where you are to your lab’s “normal” range. Are you right in the middle? At the upper end? The lower end? And where are you compared to your last set of labs? This is the kind of information that can be useful over time.

    Hopefully, though, you will start to see some relief soon.

    Take care!


    Post count: 9

    Thank you Kimberly for the advice. I have the labs test from my first test however, I did not think to have them send me the results from my last labs that I had completed.

    I have no nodules, left side is 1 and 1/2 times larger than normal and my levels are slightly over active. I just cant believe this has had such an impact on my life.

    I keep hearing about the TT success stories… this and the RAI where not even an option with my Endo. and I was just thinking maybe I need to push this a little more with him.

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