Ask your primary to fax your lab results and symptoms to the endo and see if they will bump up your appointment date. I’d make some noise for yourself. A lot of us have been through this with doctors and you’ll have to learn to advocate for yourself. Hope that you will feel better soon.
Thanks for the reply – that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing now for the past two hours. My primary is behind me and is personally making phone calls and sending my labs/symptoms to the 3 endos in the area. He is just as frustrated as I am and thinks that after seeing my labs that I will get better results and get in sooner. I’m hanging in there and am trying to keep my head on straight. Fortunately I do have good support from my family.
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Second best to an Endo is an Internist. My DX was made by a Internist and he put me on the PTU (med) that I need so badly…then after 3 months with him and getting regulated…I finally got in to my Endo:)
I had blood work done on January 11th after feeling fatiqued since December 20th. My blood work indicates possible Graves as does other symptoms – hair falling out, muscle aches, night sweats, shortness of breath, muscle weakness, losing weight, etc. Up until now I have been an active healthy person but I have felt awful lately. My primary care physician will not make a diagnosis but has referred me to an endo BUT I can’t get in until March 18th. I’m afraid that I can’t make it until then as my symptoms seem to get worse on a daily basis. Ideas, suggestions? I live in rural Montana – nearest endo is 70 miles away.
UPDATE: 1-20-10- My PCP was upset enough for me that he personally got on the phone with one of the endos and so yesterday afternoon I got a phone call from the nurse who has me scheduled for an I-123 uptake and scan this next Monday/Tuesday and I have an appt. with the endo on Feb. 2nd. I can live with that and I mentally feel less stressed knowing I don’t have to wait for 2 more months. I have been taking it easy and getting help with meal prep/cooking/household chores from family and friends so I think I will be okay for another 2 weeks. I am looking forward to a diagnosis (sounds weird but I need to know more in order to fight it) so that I can start the process of feeling better.
This same thing happened to me, sort of. I was feeling crappy for a long time now, around 5 months. Even before that, as I look back on it, I was having symptoms that were annoying, but not outright crappy feeling. All in all I believe I have had graves for more than a year. But anyways, I finally went to the doctor in December. First an OB, who did pregnancy tests and then confirmed that was not my problem and she is the one that did the TSH/T3/T4 tests. Right away she sent me to a GP. My GP right away (literally had it ready for me) gave me a prescription for BB. They made me feel a bit better, because I wasn’t so jittery and my heart rate slowed. A week later, after the scan, she was able to prescribe me methimazole (once again she had it ready for me when I walked in the door). It helps tremendously, although I still feel hyper, but not nearly as bad. She gave me this even though I cannot get into the Endo for around 60 days. So, what Im trying to say, is maybe you should think about getting another appt with a GP or internist or whatever, who can look at your lab work and see if they will give you a prescription for BB at least, so you can be alleviated from some of the symptoms at least. It may not seem like much to alleviate some of the symptoms, but when there are so many getting rid of a few really makes a difference!
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