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  • Kimberly
    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I’ve not personally heard of patients taking tapazole post-surgery, but perhaps you will get some other responses here.

    I would definitely try to get the two docs to communicate until they agree on a set of instructions as to which meds you should be taking when.

    Wishing you all the best tomorrow!

    Post count: 439

    My surgeon said she would start me on calcium while in the hospital and then on synthroid 5 days after the surgery.

    Will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I am sure you will be fine, and don’t push yourself too hard to update us… just take care of yourself and check in when you’re up to it.

    Post count: 1909

    Tally, you will do well. Glad you persevered.
    My thoughts
    1. Tapezole-I’d hazard to say that the surgeon is an ENT surgeon. And probably may not know much of anything at all about the thyroid drugs.
    But since he spoke with the endo, I imagine the endo told him to do it.
    Perhaps the thinking is that your levels are high, and they want to throw in as many ATD’as they can. Don’t know.
    At the end of the day the endo will be the one managing thyroid drugs. I am sure you know this.
    Then again, maybe the surgeon is confused on this. Since your endo said you’d begin Synthroid post op. But this can be resolved easily.
    Give your mom these questions to ask. The only people you’ll be seeing tomorrow are the surgeon, his other ENT staff, the anesthesiologist.

    Maybe while your mom is in the waiting room with time on her hands, she can call the endo’s office and start the communication of tapazole/Synthroid conversation going.

    2. Scarves-glad you have nice scarves! Don’t think you will probably wear them because of the thyroid incision. You’ll see a few steri-strips, that is it.
    Not sure if there will be two or one incisions because of your other procedure, and/or it is a bit hard for anyone but the surgeon to know this, or the size of the incision. You should have an opportunity to ask him tomorrow in the pre op area when he comes in. Have your mom remind you.

    Thank you for writing at this hectic time. You probably will not feel 100% on Wednesday, let everyone take care of you.
    Good wishes and the best for you

    Post count: 195

    Good luck on your TT! Hope everything comes out great!!


    Post count: 102

    Hi Talley,
    Thinking of you, hope all goes well sounds like you are in great hands. Look forward to reading an update when you are well enough.

    Post count: 273

    Wishing you a successful surgery and recovery Talley!

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