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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I too was told by pharmarcist to avoid cold meds.
    I have a horrible cold coming on again and I hate
    the thought of being sick during the holidays.

    Post count: 93172

    Just a note for all of you who have colds, etc., I don’t even use a cold/cough medicine when I get the flu. I use this amazing herb called “Echinacea” combined with “Golden Seal”. Get it at the grocery store for $10.00 for about 50 pills. I take two to three in the morning and in the evening, and usually in less than a day, no more flu symptoms AT ALL — WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS WHATSOEVER!!! Just my 2-cents worth!


    Post count: 93172

    I went to Revco today sneezing, runny nose, headache, fever. I looked at every cold med on the shelf and all said thyroid disease people cannot take it. I asked the druggist and he said there isn’t any cold med I could take. Nothing. Last thing I need is to get worse because of a cold and flu.

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