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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I want to alert you to an article in NEWSWEEK,3-9-98, pg. 63-64, about THYROID PROBLEMS, “ITS ALL IN YOUR NECK.” It makes the case that many of us have been saying for years that the medical profession will look at numerous others illnesses before considering thyroid as a source of disease. This article is worth saving and sharing, though it leaves out a few things, like memory loss and loss of mental acquity. Here is a chance to get our message out that thyroid problems need to be taken seriously and early.

    Post count: 93172

    David – would you please elaborate on the problem of diminished mental acuity to which you alluded? I have been feeling rather dazed and out of it for a month or two, and I have wondered if it was related to the Graves’ or just the effects of the beta blocker that I take. Has anyone else struggled with a sort of mental fog during their Graves’ experience, and, if so, are there things we can do to improve our alertness? I hate feeling this way…

    Post count: 93172

    Mental fog? Oh my lord, YES! That is so typical of graves sufferers!
    Jake gets in a fog from time to time. I seem to notice it more when he is stressed or extemely tired. Hope this helps. And hang in there.


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