Hello and welcome! A great place to start is by reading the history on this forum. We have many regular posters who have been great about sharing their experiences.
There are a couple of things to keep an eye out for with anti-thyroid meds. Call your doctor’s office ASAP if you experience a sore throat with fever. They will want to do a white blood cell count to check for a RARE, but serious side effect that lowers WBC.
Also, make sure your doctor is up to date on the latest medical guidance, which notes that TSH is *not* a good benchmark for making decisions on dosing changes. TSH can remain suppressed in Graves’ patients, so Free T4 and T3 are better benchmarks. Hopefully, you have a followup within the next few weeks to get your levels rechecked and to discuss any needed changes in dose.
Don’t be afraid to slow down and listen to your body. The more that you can “dump, delegate, or defer” while your body is healing, the better. 
Take care – and please keep us posted!