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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi, I’m Mark & my wife has Grave’s… recent diagnosis. We haven’t been to see the endo yet, and are pondering our course of treatment. Currently, she’s taking indural for the heart rate. By the way, before I go any further, I want to thank Nancy Patterson publicly for talking w/ me @ length on the phone the other day & for sending me the info. I haven’t been able to contact Susan in Berkeley because the phone # you gave me was apparently a wrong #. Anyway we are looking into various tips & leads. Has anyone heard of a Dr. E. Dennis Wilson and a book called Wilson’s Syndrome? I don’t know anything about it (yet) but a friend told me it had a bearing on the thyroid topic. Also we are inquiring into dietary alternatives… not much encouraging there except obviously a good diet is a necessary element to health. Radical raw foods & Gerson clinic-type diets are some we have looked into, but prognosis is vague & not much seems to be known relative to Grave’s. It’s hard to entertain the idea of killing a gland you were born with. What if you might need it again someday? The RAI & surgery are so final in that sense. The drugs have that going for them at least, don’t you think? ie: they’re not FINAL. But side effects? Some Dr’s seem to think relaxation is all you need.
    Anyway, pardon me for going on. It’s nice to cybermeet all of you.

    Post count: 93172

    I tried acupuncture and chinese herbs for about 6 mos along with the thyroid inhibitor drugs. I seem to be doing quite well although I can’t say I attribute it to one or the other treatments. I would have to agree that stress is an important factor. I highly recommend an altered lifestyle that keeps the stress level down. Western doctors won’t cop to the stress aspect of the disease, it’s too nebulous, but it’s worth “calming” down. This might mean a major lifestyle change…and a re-examination of how you (collective) live your life, not necessarily easy medicine to swallow. Sometimes much harder to swallow than an iodine capsule. Good luck.

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