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  • Ooey
    Post count: 3

    Just joined this forum and have already learned so much. I have recently been diagnosed with Graves Disease and am awaiting confirmation of Myanthesia Gravis. The MG is suspected due to a drooping left eyelid (ptosis)…MRI with contrast has been scheduled in 1 months time. I was given a very low dose of beta blockers to help manage my rapid heartrate, anxiety and tremors but have stopped taking them due to extreme lethargy and difficulty breathing (on my doctor’s okay). It is my understanding that it is difficult to treat both of these diseases as treatment for one aggravates the other. Does anyone have experience with this in their own GD fight?

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome – this patient story from our website might be of interest.

    If you are on Facebook, you might consider joining our closed group there, as I know at least one member who has Graves and MG.

    Have you talked to your doctor about the contrast test? Due to the iodine, these types of tests can actually *trigger* Graves’ in people with no prior history – so since you already have a diagnosis of Graves’, it would be worth raising the issue of whether the info you get from the results will be meaningful enough to outweigh the risks.

    Post count: 3

    Thanks for the link! I have spoken to my GP about the contrast, he advised to speak directly to the neurologist and tech about it as they’d be much better informed as to the risks.

    I’ve joined the closed Facebook group as well. This group has provided me with so much valuable information already…thanks for being there! I don’t feel so alone anymore.

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