I’m so glad to have found this forum.
I am a Canadian who was diagnosed with graves about 5 weeks ago. I’m still trying to absorb and figure it all out. I had not felt myself for the last couple of years but being 53 I just chalked it all up to menopause as all my friends were experiencing similar symptoms. It kind of all makes sense now.
When I was finally prepared last year to address things with my DR there was a major family health crisis so I put it on the backburner and attributed worsening symptoms to high stress. In January I started seeing a counsellor and was dropping weight (something that has been a lifelong struggle) without much explanation. Now I was starting to think something isn’t right. He prompted me to go back to my Dr who did blood work and determined a thyroid issue (last thyroid was done in 2013 within “normal” range).So here I am. My new endo put me on 30 mg Tapazole (as according to her I was very Graves and had been for a very long time) Metaprolol. Due to chronic gastric reflux I’ve increased my Omepraozole as well. I haven’t had a scan yet (very long waits here with little option to go elsewhere) The sweating, heart palpitations are much improved…the concentration, anxiety/depression and fatigue seem to fluctuate quite a bit.
Last week the endo said to use the beta blocker only for symptoms…but my blood pressure gets high whenever I don’t take it. I could be hypertensive despite the graves. I was cut back to 20 mg Tapazole as my levels had improved some.
I was put on metformin…although I’m not yet in the diabetes range the endo wanted my sugars down. I immediately had increased reflux and now chest discomfort. I have also had discomfort in my neck and collar bone area for the last 4 days and the massage therapist found a lump under my collar bone Friday. (Has anyone else had this?) I’m hoping to discontinue metformin and that the lump is only a swollen lymph node, thinking its all related. But is it? I know that I have lost muscle in my arms and shoulders…maybe its related to that.
At this point I’m not sure what I am supposed to feel like. I am worried about every ache and pain as I am not sure what is to come next…what is graves and what is not. End of June I am to decide on whether I continue with the meds or try RIA. I’m not sure of what the right route is but I am a worrier, so RIA sounds like it might give me more piece of mind if it works well. But I would like the scan done before making that decision. I am concerned about weight gain after RIA and am already working hard to change my diet now. The information on the website and the forum information has been extremely helpful…I think I am getting clearer information there then from my endo.
Thanks for listening.Hello and welcome! We are fellow patients here, not doctors, but I would have the mass checked out just for your peace of mind. I’m not as familiar with the system in Canada, but do you have the equivalent of an Urgent Care Center, where you can get more minor issues checked out quickly?
Weight issues are extremely personal – regardless of treatment option, we have members here who have had no issues with weight, and others who have really struggled with this. The really important thing is to make sure you understand the risks and benefits of all three options – the “Treatment Options” thread in the announcements section of the forum has a couple of nice links that go through the pros and cons.
High blood pressure can come with hyperthyroidism – so once your thyroid levels are back to normal, you can have a further discussion with your doctor about options *if* high blood pressure is still an issue.
Take care – and please check back to let us know how you are doing!
Thanks for the welcome Kimberly.
We do have urgent care here but the wait times can be ridiculous. I did get an endo apt. for Monday to discuss some of these issues. Stopped the metformin on my own accord and am already feeling a bit better in regards to chest discomfort. I suspect that it does not agree with my “GERD”s issues but will discuss with the endo. I have looked at the treatment options information on the site which I found very helpful in starting to sort out some of my concerns and questions.Consider having a total thyroidectomy. There is less risk for causing eye problems and for me it was quick and easy. Adjusting the hormone replacement perfectly took a little time, but levels were within normal range right away. I was on methimazole for six months prior to surgery and never felt well, either hypo or hyper. I have not gained weight. Everyone is different so do the research and choose what you feel is best for you. Good luck!
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