Hi Stacey,
Welcome to the Board, I’m so glad you found us! I’ll briefly address some of your questions, and you’ll get lots more input, I’m sure.
Since GD is an autoimmune condition, it is "driven" by the action of the antibodies, and they can go active and inactive for a period of time before we go completely symptomatic. I suspect that I was probably "trying to get" GD for about 15 years before the symptoms became constant and severe enough for me to get the right diagnosis and begin treatment.
As far as feeling unwell at this point, that is very normal. Hyperthyroidism causes all kinds of damage, and our body can’t even begin to heal from the damage until our levels are normalized, AND stabilized. In the meantime, try to look for small degrees of improvement.
Difficulty sleeping is classic, while hyperthyroid, and even sometimes while hypothyroid, which can happen while you try to find your "perfect dose" of ATDs, so try not to panic, that will get better. In the meantime, do what you can to find relaxation ~ remember that laying still and relaxing is ALMOST as good for your body as rest.
The itching may be a symptom of an allergy to something in the medication, so talk with your doctor about that. Some patients find that a lower dose of the med, or a brief period taking Benadryl along with the medication, can get you "over the hump" and allow you to use the methimazole going forward. For some, it indicates the beginning reactions of a potentially dangerous allergy ~ this is why I would urge you to talk with the doctor about it and see what they would advise at this point.
Everything to do with thyroid conditions and treatment takes time, and patience, and I know that’s something you may not feel you can handle just now, but indeed you will. I promise. We’ve all been there, and while it was not the most fun I’ve ever had, I’ve made it to the other side, and so have many, many others. You will too. Come by to ask questions, or even just to vent ~ that’s what we’re here for!
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I am sure I have been dealing with this for a while and just never knew it, I am not the type to go to the Dr.
GD finally brought me to the ER Feb 2010 when I could not breath, I ended up in the ER 4 times in two weeks and was sent home each time saying it was anxiety…it was my family Doc who noticed the blood work and saw something wrong and referred me to an endocrinologist. By the time I made the appt my body was already correcting itself and even the endo could not tell it was GD.
Well about two weeks, Aug 2010, ago I started feeling bad again and made an appointment to my endocrinologist and during the exam the Dr. asked if it may be anxiety?? I wanted to cry!! The Dr. took my blood and set up and ultra sound..I asked if there was anything I can take to help me breath better and she said a beta blocker would not hurt me so she prescribed me Atenolol and I was to take 25 mg a day…five days later I went back and my blood work and ultra sound said it all…My Dr. set up a scan and wanted to me to do a RAI in two days and sent me home upping my Atenolol to 100mg a day to help my symptoms.
I decided against the RAI and started on Methimazole 9/1/10
Know that you know my story I am hoping that you all can help answer some questions.
The first time the symptoms hit they corrected themselves??? How can this be and can it happen gain?
I have been on medication for 5 days and still feel bad
I am itching like crazy all over my body but there is no rash or bumps?
At night my body seems to go into over drive and I can not be still?
If you can help with any of these questions I would really be grateful.
Thank you,Stacey
somero wrote:I decided against the RAI and started on Methimazole 9/1/10
There are many dr’s who say do RAI, it’s easier in their eyes to treat you after you become Hypo from the RAI. I didn’t do the RAI either, BUT I also went into remission and haven’t had issues for a time. IF i become Hyper again and it’s bad and I can’t control it, I am not sure what I will do. I keep my mind open to options. I would suggest you do the same because you never know what will happen down the road. If this works for you then KUDOS to you! I hope it does. I did the pills too and I’m happy that I did go with the meds at the time instead of having the RAI.The first time the symptoms hit they corrected themselves??? How can this be and can it happen gain?
LIke ski said there are times that it will show on and off before it will show for sure and stay that way till we fix it. I can look back at my whole life as a kid and know "something" was wrong but never did blood work show it did.
Not mad about it, it is what it is and it is not something that is easily diagnosed.I have been on medication for 5 days and still feel bad
It takes a while for the meds to help, stick with it you’ll get there!I am itching like crazy all over my body but there is no rash or bumps?
Were you itchy before you started the meds? IF NO then refer to what SKI said and please please speak with dr. I will say that your dr. might say right away that you must go off the meds due to allergy. I am not sure if he will say that because he wants to push the RAI or not but see what he says and ask him about the benadryl that SKI said and try to figure out if he is really trying to help you. BUT please don’t keep the itchiness from him, it will not benifit you if you stay on meds and you are truly allergic to them.
IF you were itchy before meds please make sure dr. knows this as well when you tell about you being itchy. Hyper/Hypo make us itchy and its no fun. If you were itchy before the meds let me know and we’ll talk about skin treatment. There are some tips that might help. AND even if you were itchy before the meds please talk to dr. about the benadryl and if its ok.At night my body seems to go into over drive and I can not be still?
This is a tricky one. Lots of us have been there and done that, each of us have our own what to do’s about it. It helped me to gear my body up to going to sleep. A bedtime routine was in order, NO caffiene at all, (caffiene in the AM will make for a someone staying up at night!).
NO Tv/music at least an hour before bedtime, no working out or anything that will excite you or might excite you.
Reading a book is "ok" but if its an intense book you might want to wait till morning to read it because again it might make you want to stay up to finish the book.
No eating before bed time.
Warm HERBAL tea or warm milk is ok.
Get dressed for bedtime, this helps body associate going to sleep.
Lights should be dim, again the brain will associate darkness/dimness with going to bed.
Wash up, brush teeth, say prayers if you do that and get into bed.
Think of your day and be thankful for what you have but don’t excited over things you have no control over. Being thankful helps relax you and gets you into a mood of being able to be content. (being cranky over your hubby or friend being mad at you does not! LOL)
It will not happen over night, this takes time, they say it takes 14-21 days to actually get body into this. So relax and enjoy regearing your body for the sleep that it needs.
SKI is right, rest even without sleep is just as good. But do try to retrain your body to actual sleep.
These are things that helped me, you can try some of them or all of them and see if it works but remember it takes time.THis is a journey it wont be done in a day and you wont be fixed in a day. BUT we are here to help you along the way!
If you can help with any of these questions I would really be grateful.
Thank you,Stacey
Thank you all so much. This is such a scary disease and I want it gone right away. I am going to see an NMD today to see what I can do to help put this in remission. I think I will post something about that so I can see if anyone else has tried this.
Again Thank you!!!!!
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