Hi all – A couple of notes on new Private Messaging (PM) Functionality…
1. PM Reporting Functionality. If you ever need to report a PM for spam or other inappropriate content, we now have a simpler option than the cut & paste instructions previously provided. If you receive an inappropriate PM, please e-mail (info at gdatf dot org) or call (877-643-3123, x101) the GDATF with the following info:
a) sender’s screen name
b) your screen name
c) date/time of message
d), the digits that appear in the last part of the web link in your browser when you are viewing the message. (For example, 4012 or 1694).
Please do not delete the PM from your in box until you have received confirmation from the GDATF that your message has been received.
2. Marking All PMs Read. If you would like to mark all PMs read (this will likely apply to members who participated on the old web site, as all old PMs were brought over as unread), please do the following:
a) Underneath the “In Box” grey bar, click on “All”, which is just below the grey bar and all the way to the right.
b) Scroll down to the very bottom of your “In Box” and click on the button that says “Mark as Read”.