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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Oh, this is good! Thanks for the fun in my life, today! Signed, Buttercup Wafflebrains, formally known as: Buttercup Hamsterbuns (maiden name), f/k/a: Buttercup Tolietchunks…..guess if I’d known this name, I’d never married that jerk, thus my new last name, Wafflebrains! I see a “truth” in this test…somewhere!

    Post count: 93172

    Hey Warriors,
    Read the following to see what your new name is. I got quite a kick out of trying to rename all of my friends and relatives and thought you all might like to have a little fun too.

    The following is an excerpt from a children’s book, “Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants”, by Dav Pilkey: The evil
    Professor forces everyone to assume new names… Use the first letter of
    your first name to determine your NEW first name:

    a = stinky
    b = lumpy
    c = buttercup
    d = gidget
    e = crusty
    f = greasy
    g = fluffy
    h = cheeseball
    i = chim-chim
    j = poopsie
    k = flunky
    l = booger
    m = pinky
    n = zippy
    o = goober
    p = doofus
    q = slimy
    r = loopy
    s = snotty
    t = falafel
    u = dorkey
    v = squeezit
    w = oprah
    x = skipper
    y = dinky
    z = zsa-zsa

    Use the first letter of your last name to determine the first half of your
    NEW last name:

    a = diaper
    b = toilet
    c = giggle
    d = bubble
    e = girdle
    f = barf
    g = lizard
    h = waffle
    i = cootie
    j = monkey
    k = potty
    l = liver
    m = banana
    n = rhino
    o = burger
    p = hamster
    q = toad
    r = gizzard
    s = pizza
    t = gerbil
    u = chicken
    v = pickle
    w = chuckle
    x =tofu
    y = gorilla
    z = stinker

    Use the last letter of your last name to determine the second half of your
    NEW last name:
    a = head
    b = mouth
    c = face
    d = nose
    e = tush
    f = breath
    g = pants
    h = shorts
    i = lips
    j = honker
    k = butt
    l = brain
    m = tushie
    n = chunks
    o = hiney
    p = biscuits
    q = toes
    r = buns
    s = fanny
    t = sniffer
    u = sprinkles
    v = kisser
    w = squirt
    x = humperdinck
    y = brains
    z = juice

    Thus, for example, George Bush’s new name is Fluffy Toiletshorts.
    Go figure!!

    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for lightening up my day! I teach elementary students. I have got to get this book to read to them. We will all have great fun renaming ourselves and our family memebers! Especially my 6th graders.
    Thanks!!! From Stinky Pizzatush (formally Stinky Chucklebuns (maiden name)).


    Post count: 93172

    You really picked up my down day. I got such a kick out this. Shows we all still have some kid left in us. Thank. From “Fluffy Bananabrain” (which is what I feel like most of the time) formerly “Fluffy Lizardjuice”!

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