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  • chellehill
    Post count: 1

    After about 3 years of feeling like "hell" I finally by accident was diagnosed with Graves and Hyper thyroid … was put on propanolol then taken off and am now on 5 mg of Methmizole . Dr wont go any higher on doseage at all . My pulse was 63 last time i was in his office but my heart was racing !! .. So i have felt great on most days BUT about 1 day every 2-3 weeks im sick ! so sick upset stomach sweating horribly feel like i have a fever but i dont . Cant eat Cant sleep , And it is difficult to even move my arms at all . They feel like they weigh a million pounds ! I go back to endo dr. on the 17th and he said we will start the radiation treatment and get me into remission ! At that same time told me if I get stomach cramps sore throat or fever i need to call asap ! I dont know if the horrible nausea warrant a call or not ?? It generally lasts 1 day , But oh my goodness it knocks me on my butt . I HATE THIS!!!!
    Did i Mention i have a lil boy with high functioning autism and 2 teenage girls!!! I swear im going crazy!!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I had mild nausa when I first started taking ATDs…I found that if I took the pill with food or milk, that seemed to help. However, if you are experiencing severe nausea, this is definitely worth a call to your doctor or pharmacist. It’s always best to err on the side of caution!

    Post count: 3

    Hi, I was diagnosed about a month ago and began taking the meds after I decided not to go with RAI because of my eyes. I vomited every day for over a week, on a small dose of the methimazole, 15 mg. What has really helped me is spreading it out over the day, and taking it with rice milk. Now I get up about two hours before I need to, take the first pill and beta blockers with rice milk, then go back to bed. However I still get nauseous episodes in the afternoons and evenings. I’ve been able to keep the pills down for about two more weeks and saw my endo #2 yesterday. He feels that since I am reacting so badly, and because its been awhile, that it is unlikely to improve.

    Since I am able to keep the pills down though I am going to stay on them for a few more weeks while I hope to get my levels low enough for surgery. I’ve personally decided that I simply cannot live with this feeling for years, with a chance that I may not even go into remission. My endos know that I feel this way, and want me to stick it through until I’ve been on the meds for six weeks, so that we can make a better decision.

    I’ve also been experiencing dizziness and weight gain. 13 lbs in two weeks, it makes me crazy (on top of the drugs).

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