Hi Mary,
My appt. with the endo is Oct. 20th. I’m ready!I know what you mean….as I think back, I realize I had been having this white discharge in my eyes on a regular basis and they were red, irritated and I couldn’t see well with my contacts. Also very sensitive to light.
Let me know what your ophthamologist says. I hope you are beginning to feel better. Take care and keep in touch!!
Melanie, How was your endo appt? I’ve been on tapazole about three weeks now and just started having a terrible itching reaction. My doctor said to stop taking it and I had blood taken yesterday. He’s checking on my levels and also white blood cell count to make sure nothing else is wrong. We’ll decide what to do when we get the blood results. Either try again, different antithyroid drug or RAI. Let me know what you’re doing and how you’re feeling. Mary
Hi Mary, my endo appt was alright. He said my thyroid didn’t feel enlarged, had me swallow and then did some kind of reflex thing with my arm. He said that did seem to be a bit fast. I’m not sure what that means
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They took blood so he could do his own labs. His nurse called and said my labs were “perfect”. I asked her to fax me a copy, but haven’t gotten it and need to call and remind her tomorrow! The antibodies test (TSI) takes a little more time. He will send those results in a letter along with his recommendations.
I guess it’s good, but I still wonder why I’m having all of these symptoms?! Specifically, why is my hair falling out?? That is probably the thing that bothers me the most. I went to my GP and asked him for a full physical. I don’t think I’ve had one in several years and I think they recommend one annually if over 40 which I am. Sigh. I had a minor meltdown in his office and told him I just don’t feel good….don’t feel right if that makes sense. I will go back next week for labs there and then he will do the physical. So basically, I have no news. =0)
Do you think you are allergic to the tapazole? It seems a lot of people are. How are your eyes doing? Have you been to the ophthalmologist yet?
I appreciate your following up with me. I hadn’t gotten on the board in awhile because school is really taking everything I have!
Take care,
i am new to the forum (and grave’s disease), but i saw your post and wanted to help. I was on Wellbutrin about 10 years ago (before my hyperthyroidism) and it SERIOUSLY made my hair fall out. As soon as i stopped, it began to return. You might want to ask your doctor about it, just in case.
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