I’m not sure it is against the rules but please PM me the magazine. I would love to get it.
I’m sure one of the facilitator’s will let you know if you can post it or not. If they say yes you can always post it in your original link, just click on edit.
Good luck with your levels. Keep us posted! And we dont be mad at all if you decide to post a picture of the baby……
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” title=”Wink” /> That is always welcome!
I just want to say a big thank you for this board. I was diagnosed early this year and have just been trying to cope with it all. After reading many of your posts, the light bulbs are going off…like wow, that all makes sense now….symptoms that I had but had no idea were related to the GD. I don’t have my levels handy but I was apparently very hyper and at the moment am hypo. Started with PTU because I was nursing but am now on methimazole (reduced to deal with the hypo). So, we’ll see how it goes. Also, wanted to say that I will be featured in a national magazine for a makeover and the underlying story is about my GD. It’s not a health magazine so don’t expect anything scientific or incredible but hopefully, it will bring some awareness to the disease. It will be on stands Oct. 15, just in time for the conference. Unfortunately, I just found out about the conference so it’s not in the budget. Maybe, I’ll catch you all next time. (Note: I didn’t say what magazine because I don’t know if that’s against the rules for the board.)
mykena wrote: It will be on stands Oct. 15, just in time for the conference. Unfortunately, I just found out about the conference so it’s not in the budget. Maybe, I’ll catch you all next time. (Note: I didn’t say what magazine because I don’t know if that’s against the rules for the board.)There would certainly be a concern with re-printing copyrighted material in its entirety here on the boards…but personally, I wouldn’t see an issue with giving everyone the name of the magazine. Hopefully, one of the moderators will weigh in, because I’d love to read the article! Maybe I’ll even buy it at the airport on the way to Charlotte.
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Mykena – Thanks for the PM with the info! I tried to send you a reply, but it seems to be "stuck" in my out box. I’ll try to send another message if it doesn’t go through in a little while…
You have permission to post the Magazine. There won’t be any copyright concerns. How fun to get a makeover. Public awaness about Graves’ disease is always good.
Take care,
There will be a story/section titled "Make Me a Ten" in Oprah Magazine. I have not seen it yet myself so I am very anxious to see what they wrote.
On another note, after reading comments about the conference and based on how good this forum has been for me just this week, my husband and I decided that I should definitely attend the conference. So, I will be there after all. I am looking forward to meeting everyone.
That’s great! Looking forward to seeing you there!
I have a subscription to Oprah — my copy just arrived in the mail, so I went straight to your article.
I have to say that you look MAAAAH-velous! I wish I’d thought to send in an application.
Also nice to see Graves’ Disease getting a mention in a national publication. On a side note, I would actually be very curious to know if Oprah’s thyroid troubles a while back might have been autoimmune in nature…perhaps the start of Graves’ or Hashi’s.
Anyway, congrats – see you at the conference!
Thank you for the compliment! Now, if I could just see it, too. Mine has not arrived yet.
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Yes, I think Oprah should do a show on Thyroid diseases. One of the most amazing (not necessarily in a good way) things to me is the way it wreaks havoc on your emotions and clarity of mind. I think that’s been the hardest part for me. In fact, it wasn’t until I noticed that my reactions to my children were out of line that I "knew" something was really wrong. I’m just glad I had enough control to recognize I was not being fair to them.
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