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  • WWWI2
    Post count: 137

    10/1/10 My TSH was normal. Somewhere since then things have changed. In May 2012 when my TSH was tested, it was undetectable which started the ball rolling, albeit slowly. August 13th I was diagnosed with Graves after the blood and uptake tests. As of Aug 29, I’ve started 20 mg Methimazole (my doctor is a minimalist which I like). I’ve started noticing very small, but clear differences and I’m very hopeful.

    This whole experience thus far has been challenging. It probably didn’t help that while being sick with grave’s unknowingly, mid July of this year I had an emergency appendectomy as a result of a ruptured appendix.

    I suppose the good news is the incision is almost healed and the MMI appears to be kicking in, somewhat at least giving me the hope that there will be further improvement. Compared to the last 1.5 years, this is nirvana (ok, well not quite).

    I would be lying to say I’m not scared of what will be, but having the resources provided here help me to belive I’ll get through this. Actually I just wanted to say “Hi” to you all and am thrilled you are here. I’ve been reading here for a bit before actually joining and I think this is an amazing site with substantial information. Thank you for being here.

    WWWI 2

    Post count: 231

    Hi, WWW12–

    I’m new to the forum, too. Just recently diagnosed myself. Glad to see I’m not the only new person. :) Hope you find the info you need here.


    Post count: 1569

    Welcome to you both! I’m glad you’ve already found helpful information. The most important thing to know is that you WILL get better. We have several good treatment options. DO learn everything you can about what is going on in your body, knowledge is power, and it helps to limit the fear you may feel about this news. You’re obviously in the right place to learn, and we’re glad you found us. :D

    Feel free to ask anything that comes up, that’s why we’re here!

    Post count: 16

    Hi WWWI 2 –
    I was diagnosed in June (officially) and it has certainly been helpful reading others’ posts on this site. I totally understand the feeling of being scared when faced with your own body attacking itself. But hang in there. This group is amazing support; even if you want to vent that no one in your daily life understands what you are going through, someone on here will inevitably understand and have experienced the same.

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