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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    The best coping mechanism I’ve ever heard is to serve your passion ~ do things that fulfill you, sustain you, limit the things that take your energy away.

    Stress elevates our immune response, which increases the activity of any Graves’ antibodies, and that can increase symptoms. We can’t live completely without stress, but we can learn to manage it and not allow ourselves to go completely nutty, and that will help.

    Post count: 1

    Hello, I am new to this forum and spent some time reading other’s posts. I was touched by some of the situations and encouraged by the support & information.
    It took 6 months and 30 lbs of weight loss before I was diagnosed with Graves’. I thought I had Crohn’s disease or IBS since my bowels were overactive. As I was going under for a colonoscopy, the gastroenterologist told me I had an elevated thyroid. What an emotional day that was! I have a friend who had much different (and more severe) symptoms with Graves’ (like many of you) so it never occurred I had a thyroid problem. It was a relief to get the proper diagnosis & treatment.
    I have been taking methimazole for 1 year and have been stable. I gained back the lost weight plus 10 pounds, which I am not so happy about, but I feel a lot better and do not wake up in the middle of the night anymore. I will undergo RAI if there is no remission.
    I am very interested in the relationship stress plays in hyperthyroidism and looking for suggestions. Recently, my company announced it is going out of business and unemployment/job hunting is looming. Sometimes I feel my head is going to pop off my shoulders!
    Any coping suggestions would be welcome.

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